AlrauneGENZOMAN on DeviantArt

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The basis of the story of Alraune dates to the Middles Ages in Germany. The humanoid-shaped Mandrake root or Mandragora officinarum was widely believed to be produced by the fluids of hanged men under the gallows. Alchemists claimed that when hanged men broke his necks, vital fluids fall to the floor and the earth absorbed their final "strengths". In some versions, it is blood or semen. The root itself was used in love philtres and potions while its fruit was supposed to facilitate pregnancy. Witches who "love" to the Mandrake root were said to produce offspring which had no feelings of real love and had no soul.

Very influenced by Castlevania, Love each one (yeah, even simon quest, LOL), Castlevania IV is still my favorite, followed by Rondo of blood, castleviania 3, SOTN and castlevania 64 (still, best 3D castlevania for me :p)

A draw for "War gods", if you live on Brazil, soon near to U :p
photoshop CS/Bamboo/7hours/Music: Wicked child -castlevania (I love this version of ocremix along with the remix of castlevania chronicles)

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612x792px 145.85 KB
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Ex-combustis's avatar
so thats what that word means! Digimon world 3 brought me year and I had it a long time coming!