GentlemanAnachronism's avatar


Sailing on an uneven keel.
149 Watchers552 Deviations

Sacaan is... by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

[UNCATEGORISED, OF INTEREST] by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

Summer Bonfires by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

Barfights and Bloodstains by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

AiA Blood on the Snow: Chapter 1 (draft) by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

Dealing with quarantine - AiA characters by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

Will There Be Singing? by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

Broken Children, Precious Things by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

3. Light (Black Roses) by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

Untitled Archer/Sabbat snippet by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

See All

Sacaan is... by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

[UNCATEGORISED, OF INTEREST] by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

Summer Bonfires by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

Barfights and Bloodstains by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

AiA Blood on the Snow: Chapter 1 (draft) by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

Dealing with quarantine - AiA characters by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

Will There Be Singing? by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

Broken Children, Precious Things by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

3. Light (Black Roses) by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

Untitled Archer/Sabbat snippet by GentlemanAnachronism, literature


Tattoo by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

Nightmares by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

Flesh and blood by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

Perceptions (M) by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

Aftermath by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

Medal by GentlemanAnachronism, literature

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Literature
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (182)
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
My Bio
"I have four other people living in this skull and I can't buy coffee!"

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Dubliners, Tanglefoot,
Favourite Books
Discworld, Montmorency series, Complete Sherlock Holmes, Dresden Files, Good Omens, Dracula, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Dr Faustus, Faust, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead,
Favourite Writers
Seanan McGuire, Ursula Vernon, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Jim Butcher, Arthur Conan Doyle
Favourite Games
Bloodborne, Dishonoured series, Assassin's Creed series, Bioshock, Dragon Age: Origins, Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS4, PC, Nintendo Switch
Tools of the Trade
laptop, pen and notebook, imagination
Other Interests
LARP, acting, writing, reading, fire-juggling
So this was originally a status update, but since I don't particularly want to YELL VERY LOUDLY at folk, it's a journal entry now (which also allows me to put more detail in it, helpfully). In news which has nothing to do with the current everything - I have a Patreon now!… Also a ko-fi, if you like my stuff and fancy throwing me a one-off tip: (I am currently still employed [and therefore lucky as hell, given everything], so this is not an 'I need to eat/pay rent' plea - if you have a tonne of cash to spare, please donate to your local foodbank/etc before you tip/sub to a ra
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Hey! It's been a while.  So, first off, an shift in stuff going forward: I now have a website - . That's where you'll find Seventh Son when I start it up again (though I'll crosspost chapters here if people'd li...
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(No, not dead. No, still not updating stuff. Life happened to my face a bit, as it has an unfortunate tendency to do. On the plus side, writing again. On the minus side, it's a novel rewrite, so it won't show up here)
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Profile Comments 375

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Thanks for adding Equivalent Exchange to your favourites 😊
Hello there and thank you much for faving.  :)
Thanks for the new fav! I hope you enjoy!!
Thank you, Finn, for fav'ing my I Hope and Pray
and a pleasure to meet you.  This is why I thank you now for placing a work of mine in a place of honor in your Favourites.  I don't normally "spam" someone's portrait page like this anymore.  Here, have a llama badge.

I wish you a Happy New Year.
Thank you so much for your favorites, comments, and the new watch!! I update Sanctuary every Sunday (and sometimes a bit more often if the chapters are short). And feel free to comment or message me at any time if you have questions about it, or anything else I post!

You're remarks really made my day!! Thank you so much for the encouragement, and I'm so glad you enjoy the story!!
You're welcome! 

(And being at the start of writing a serial on dA myself [albeit a first-draft, making-it-up-as-I-go-along one], I'm finding more and more than comments really do make a lot of difference :) )
They really do! I've found I create more when I receive feedback for what I've done. It makes me excited to create more. Even when I have a bad day, and I feel terrible at what I do, I can always go back and read the comments, and it makes me feel better. "That person said they liked my story. I should keep writing it!" 

It makes all the difference.