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Sonic Forms Meme - Rock the Raccoon



Took a shot at =Rooty-the-Hazard's forms meme; original can be found here: [link]

* I think his Knight form (Sir Bucketobolts?) was inspired by Knuckles/Gawain, but mostly by Megaman's armour. Same goes for Arabian Nights (replace Gawain with Sinbad).

* Can Rock the Raccoon actually go Super, being a Robian and all?

* Robo-Rock's dialogue might not be that easy to read. :/ I guess that's how he'd look if he were a normal Robian.

* Riders Rock has no helmet, which you'd think he'd keep on when flying around at hundreds(?) of miles per hour...

* Anti-Rock is like Rock Lichblitz: a prick.
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1086x1228px 568.09 KB
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jessicawaddell's avatar

Hi i have a question is rock the raccoon related two marine the raccoon :-?