bullying - speak out.GemmaZ on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/gemmaz/art/bullying-speak-out-127339210GemmaZ

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GemmaZ's avatar

bullying - speak out.



if you're being bullied - speak out. tell someone.
or if you're the bully, then consider what you're doing and why, and stop bullying.
also, here is a piece of writing i wrote about bullying: gemmaz.deviantart.com/art/dear…

- edit: the amount of feedback i've had from this photo is amazing, with so many people commenting about their experiences or saying they stood up to a bully and now their life is better.. thank you all for sharing your stories and experiences with me; i hope those suffering manage to get through this and beat the bullies, because in reality the bullies never win. it may still be a taboo subject, you may feel weak because someone is doing this to you, but you're not the weak one. the weak one is the person who has to make someone else miserable to feel better about themselves. remember that. don't give in, beat the bullies. i believe in you all.


:bulletblack: here: kavsikuzah.deviantart.com/jour… by kavsikuzah :heart:

:bulletblack: here: the-lantiis.deviantart.com/jou… by iLantiis :heart:

:bulletblack: here: britlawrence.deviantart.com/jo… by BritLawrence :heart:

telling someone makes a difference. so please, do. <3

bullying - the statistics [mainly uk] :

- 1 in 2 students experience occasional bullying during any school term.

- between 15 and 25 children commit suicide every year because they are being bullied, and that number is rising.

- 31% of children experienced bullying by their peers during childhood.

- 41,111 children calling childline spoke about bullying.

- 5,157 of those who called childline (55%) said the bullying was physical bullying.


© all rights to this photo are mine.
please respect that, about all of my photos.
thank you. :heart:

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Date Taken
Jun 9, 2009, 8:39:30 PM
© 2009 - 2025 GemmaZ
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i have been bullied my entire life, and it is still going on, i thought i could escape however, i cant seem to escape it, i have tried speaking out about it but everytime people tell me to "grow up" or "its not a big deal" or stuff like "im not even sure what a fag enabler even is, like is that even an insult?" btw for the record calling someone a fag enabler is one of the worst things you can ever do and im so sick of hearing it all the time. i guess im just tired of the bullying and hope that one that it will stop