Reflect Sound Visu 1.1GemiWagner on DeviantArt

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GemiWagner's avatar

Reflect Sound Visu 1.1

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After Double Sound Visu, a bar sound visualizer with reflect effect. Made from the Monstercat Visualizer, made by MarcoPixel, thanks to him for the work :D (Big Grin)

I have removed the media info part, just took the sound visualizer, and added flipped bars to create a really cool visualizer :) (Smile)

I've modified and added some colors (21 colors in total), all listed in colors.ini.
You can change the bars color directly from the skin, click on the colored square and chose what you want.

There is a random button to automatically and randomly change the color at each second (more or less), just click on it.
The random color changer turns off when you click on the colored square.

The buttons apear when the mouse cursor is over the skin.

You can change the default color with the UsedColor variable, White as default (like the preview image).
Form: UsedColor=#ChosenColorName# replace ChosenColorName by the chosen color variable name from colors.ini.

You can change Scale and BarGap (bars interspaces).

Enjoy ^^

This Skin uses :
 - RainRGB4 Addon by jsmorley
 - Factory Script by Madhoe

Update 1.1:
    - added personnalized color modifier
    click on the white arrounded square and you could chose a personnalized color
© 2015 - 2025 GemiWagner
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se nota que esta sencilla y bien no gasta tantos recursos, gracias y la seguiremos checando