This is where all Gekren shall be kept track of!
If you see someone that isn't me trying to sell a Gekren, check this list to see if you can trust them!
If the number of existing Gekren exceeds 50 or so, a database account will be created to store them in a gallery.
This is the Master List with all the Gekren existing along with their respective owner(s)~NAME ⎟ SEX (Female/Male/Intersex ) ⎟ POUCH TYPE ⎟ OWNER
001: Milo [Male/None/Rainbow-Foxy (]
002: Ayala (Aya) [Female/Shoulder/Rainbow-Foxy (]
003: Therox [Male/Heart/Maiuo (]
004: Lavanya [Female/Full Neck/SilverWindStar (]
005: Robin [???/Jaw/:devwinterf