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Touch Me If You Can



Gojyo! ^o^ I liked my Hakkai fanart so much that I decided to turn it into a whole series of the Sanzo party. (Yep, that means the other two are coming soon too!) Gojyo is my second favorite character behind Hakkai. <3 Apologies, as I don't think this one turned out as well as my first one. OTL The tree in front especially gave me trouble, but I finally had to give up on it and go with what I had, as I just had to finish this. And if I had the time and inclination, I'd redo Gojyo's eyes; I think I drew them too large, which makes his expression goofier than I'd intended. >_> (It actually looked okay in the line art. It's just completely different painted. *sigh*)

100% closeup: [link]

Other pieces in the "Seasons of Saiyuki" series:
Let's Play (Hakkai)
Eat Lead (Sanzo)
I'm Hungry...For a Fight (Goku)

Image size
900x1200px 485.49 KB
© 2010 - 2024 GEIKOUart
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diamondart6's avatar

I love Gojyo so much!❤️‍🔥