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Let's Play



I've been watching Saiyuki for the past several weeks (the original; yes, I'm that far behind on anime), and I'm really enjoying the characters. Hakkai in particular is the one I absolutely adore, so of course I had to do a fanart tribute of him. <3 He actually became my favorite character by virtue of his personality before his looks grew on me, but now I love how he looks too. ^^

This was supposed to be just a quick practice to try to rediscover a manga style for myself after spending years trying to get away from it, but as you can see, it became a bit more than just a practice piece. ^.^; Sometimes I just can't help it when I'm really liking the way things are going. I know it's nowhere near perfect and it took way longer than it should have, but I'm quite happy with how it turned out anyway.

100% closeup: [link]

Other pieces in the "Seasons of Saiyuki" series:
Eat Lead (Sanzo)
Touch Me If You Can (Gojyo)
I'm Hungry...For a Fight (Goku)

Image size
900x1200px 495.74 KB
© 2010 - 2024 GEIKOUart
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DestatiDreamXIII's avatar
Wow!! I love how vibrant the colors are, everything stands out really well. I really like the coloring style here too, and how you did the folds/crinkles in his shirt! Seriously, wonderful artwork!