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I'm Hungry...For a Fight



Goku for my Sanzo party series! ^^ The lighting of this one was a fun challenge. I'm actually pretty pleased with how it turned out. The sunrise background is based on the view of it from the summit of Mt. Fuji. When I climbed Mt. Fuji to see it years ago, I recall being told that it was called "Buddha's Crown", although I can't seem to verify that by Googling now. ^.^; Anyway, that name was the inspiration for giving Goku this setting.

100% closeup: [link]

Other pieces in the "Seasons of Saiyuki" series:
Let's Play (Hakkai)
Eat Lead (Sanzo)
Touch Me If You Can (Gojyo)

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900x1200px 486.83 KB
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Nick5200's avatar
I like choice of colors and their tone in your works, really brings out the cheerful feel to them.
Also you have a great take on manga style in general.