Inking Brushgeekysideburns on DeviantArt

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geekysideburns's avatar

Inking Brush

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:U Hai guys....

I doubt this will be useful for you but I work a bit on this brush I use for inking, so I though I'd just plop it up here...

I've been working on a ink brush with a bit of texture and not so smooth. I finally tweaked it to my liking... Now this also depends on your tablet settings and is easily adjustable

Pieces I've used this on include:


Naturally it's not for everyone's liking. Just mine. :noes:

It works best at a 300 dpi as a brush and as 600+ as a pencil.

And if you like it, hey! Pimp it out! :D

Not sure in what photoshops this works in... it was made in CS4 So if you use different versions, give me a shout.
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mengoloid's avatar

Thanks for this. Awesome Brush. Works amazing on my Adobe CS3 :)