Geek-Crafts's avatar


Years Ago

Our rules for inclusion are pretty simple: submit crafts that are geeky.

Submissions must come from a fandom (i.e. movies, video games, TV shows, books, etc.). It would help the admin a lot if somewhere in your tags and/or Artist's Comments, or in a comment on the submission itself, you could state which fandom a thing is from/inspired by, because it just isn't possible for each admin to be familiar with every single fandom ever.

Your submissions must be things made by you.

We only take one example of a project. For example: if you have a billion pictures of your favourite cosplay outfit, we're only going to take one. If you submit more than one, whoever gets around to approvals first will choose their favourite and decline the rest.

Content that is adult-oriented or of a mature nature will be declined.

No works-in-progress; we only take finished items.

Comments 234

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Hello! how can I join the group?
Thank you for the request! :heart: This place looks interesting, I think I'll stick around!
Is this group active? My submissions have expired.
Yeah, sorry, my bad there. IRL stuff was running me ragged at the end of June so dA had to take a back seat to things like sleep and food. Back now though, so go ahead and spam the submissions.
No worries, I completely understand!
Many thanks for the request :thumbsup: