Current Residence: Montreal / Azeroth I'm the creator of the Webcomic RedFlagSaga and the Warcraft Pet Battle blog Pets Of Warcaft Writer, Machinima Animator, Blogger
I've moved my RedFlag Saga comic here for a while. I didn't update my website for a long time. With school coming soon, I don't know how much time I would have to give to a webcomic site. So I thought I would just bring the art here for now. If new pages are made, they will be posted here and on the Google+ page for RedFlag Saga.Thank you for reading. I know this is older art, and I've learned a lot while making this project.Gedrges
I've uploaded my 30 Pets project for my Blog Pets of Warcraft here too. I'm finally done. I had to draw on Battle Pet per day for the Month of November. Each drawing took about 15~20 minutes to draw. The rest is the scanning, a little of Photoshop and posting on my Blog.I will draw more Battle Pets if you ask me.I will be drawing Red Flag Saga again, the project is NOT on hold, I need to put more love into it.Gedrges / Arashi
Thank you so much for adding me to your watch list! I really appreciate it, and I hope you enjoy seeing the all new stuff I have brewing (as well as some of the art from years ago that I'm just now getting around to uploading)! <3 I also have a few other sites I’m even MORE active on and post WIPs of art and writing and such (three are listed in my signature), so if you’re interested, you can follow me on those sites as well.
In any case: thanks again, and I adore your stuff!
I love to see WIP art. Please let me know where I can see them. I lot of things might be happening for me soon. So a lot of art might be posted here soon!