T-Rex Skull PapercraftGedelgo on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/gedelgo/art/T-Rex-Skull-Papercraft-480473304Gedelgo

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T-Rex Skull Papercraft


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My second custom papercraft project. This one's much more ambitious. It's about 40cm long and looks great on display! I'm very happy.

The build is very time consuming - I finished two audiobooks in the process. The internal components absolutely need to be done first but if you get those right then the rest is easy. I made this one by printing the design onto regular paper then used a blade to cut out it with a layer of pink cardstock underneath. That's why there's no lines or white seams.

PDF and PDO download (feel free to make your own!)

Note: any sites that are trying to sell this pattern are not affiliated with or endorsed by me.

Model based on this thing: www.thingiverse.com/thing:3308…
    I just fixed up the teeth and made some adjustments to the meshing.
Image size
980x1218px 236.72 KB
© 2014 - 2025 Gedelgo
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skullbunnygalaxy's avatar

The download link no longer works. Would you please post an updated link? Thanks!