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Circumstantial Evidence



Well, I guess technically we can't based on that alone.... You luck out this time, Vegeta!

Where's Grissom when you need him?

We are going to need professional help to reveal the mastermind behind this heinous crime! Somebody call CSI!!

This picture did not come out as well as I'd hope, but when does it ever for anyone? So other than Bulma's head being a bit bigger than I'd like, I'm pretty much satified with it.

I would also like to thank Rhys for lending me two of his Code Lyoko blue print schematics for this project!! I needed something complex to stick on the paper and had slim pickings off the internet. His contribution saved me many hours of aggravated searching on-line.

If you look carefully, you will notice that two of the plans that Bulma is holding up are indeed from Code Lyoko, the scanners and the super computer! My sister, Kat,
A.K.A. :iconson-neko: , is a big fan of Code Lyoko and so I couldn't resist sticking in a reference from the show.
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© 2007 - 2024 Gazelle1583
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Summer18092's avatar
oh hey the plans are from code lyoko