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Twilight spent her life trying to learn all that there is. In her journey she surrounded herself with friends that aided her in her life long pursuit. She lost that all against chaos. But in the fires of her old life she emerges anew, ever eager to learn and with a new friend that is more than willing to teach.
Whats Twilight's favorite Smash minigame? Home Run Contest! SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH!
Finally! After ten thousands years I'm done! Now to upload to Earth! After so many delays, and redesigns (and stopping myself from doing another) ITS HERE! The conclusion of Twilight's battle with Crystalestia (Hah)! Sorry you had to wait so long, but now I'm free! Free!
Free to go back to my normal comic rotation! We return to The Rightful Heir, next week! (or month...)
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3840x2160px 2.26 MB
© 2021 - 2024 GatesMcCloud
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I enjoyed those last few pages way to much