Cutie Mark Crusaders 10k: The Lost 03GatesMcCloud on DeviantArt

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Cutie Mark Crusaders 10k: The Lost 03



Twilight spent her life trying to learn all that there is. In her journey she surrounded herself with friends that aided her in her life long pursuit. She lost that all against chaos. But in the fires of her old life she emerges anew, ever eager to learn and with a new friend that is more than willing to teach.

This is the story of Twilight the Lost, goddess of Chaos.

Finally, what you all have been waiting for.

I expect this to be the biggest of the 3 main chapters, simply based on who the main character. Great, as this is gonna be the most difficult one. Sigh.


This week is Elements of Friendship cover. I've been busy with commissions, several side projects, and technical stuff so its just a cover this week. I'm going to be even more busy as I have to relearn flash for a big project of mine that has been a year in the making. It was suppose to tie in with todays release, but hey, animation takes awhile. Not as much as the other thing thats tied to it, I've actively worked on it for more than a year. About time soon to share it with you all.

The Lost 04
The Lost Cover
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1600x1800px 1.3 MB
© 2014 - 2025 GatesMcCloud
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SystemF4ilure's avatar
Hey, I've been following your MLP comics for a while, but I'm confused. Where do I start, where should I start? I feel like I've missed out and I can't find a folder with the comics specifically!