Favourite cartoon character: Dexter
Draw dog man movie and gashi gashi
Draw moana 2 and gashi gashi
i dont watch it
i cant watch this video
I can show the pictures
her name is kayoh from hero inside season 2 and in case that you don't know here the info Hero Inside is a South Korean-Chinese-Thai-Vietnamese computer-animated television series. The cartoonist Scott mysteriously disappears, leaving behind 100 volumes of superhero comic books that spread throughout San Francisco. The protagonist, Mike, stumbles upon "Crying Man" and ends up summoning the superhero from the book, forever changing his life. But it's not just Mike, but many people begin to summon superheroes from these comic books, leading to a series of events unfolding throughout San Francisco. So, it's basically Pokémon, but with superheroes? plus a little bit like of the old anime zatch bell.
Music : Feel The Power (Infernax)