Photo Techno BGGarvonis on DeviantArt

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Garvonis's avatar

Photo Techno BG



Well, if you were wondering why my blue template looks minimalistic, a intarweb buddy from another board (RaGEZONE) asked me to make a wallpaper where he could slap on 5 photos, two near on the upper part, 3 on the middle-to-lower part, (where those white arrows are,) and over the course of last night, I spent my time carefully using all the tech brushes I had at my disposal...

You just have to take a step back, forget about the lack of a focal point, and look at how the tech template comes together aesthetically.
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1280x1024px 976.55 KB
© 2005 - 2025 Garvonis
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bluenixon's avatar
What could I possibly say about that? I was googling the term 'Arcticus'...