Uzumaki FeverGarth2The2ndPower on DeviantArt

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Garth2The2ndPower's avatar

Uzumaki Fever



Blargh, it's been too long since I've submitted anything. It makes me feel so unproductive in spite of the work I'm putting into my new manga project. But damned if I'm going to miss out on some Halloween fun. I thought I'd submit some pictures related to Halloween this month. Some horror stuff, characters dressed as other characters or just all-around creepiness. And what better way to start this month off than a tribute to the works of horror manga master Junji Ito?

The answer is none.

Also, I'll let this piece speak for itself, because if I have to explain it to you, I'm gonna facepalm so hard.... as in my palm, YOUR face.

:iconnarutouzumakiplz::iconsaysplz:Come join me in the spiral.... it's amazing....BELIEVE IT!
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1053x800px 531.44 KB
© 2013 - 2025 Garth2The2ndPower
anonymous's avatar
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I think Naruto funny enough could actually defeat the spiral curse. He would just use talk no jutsu and convince the spiral to sotp being mean lmfao.