Batman and Superman, somewhere in some universe.GardenOfHedon on DeviantArt

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Batman and Superman, somewhere in some universe.


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"Hi Clara."

"Hey Bryce!, My girl! Are you going to the party? I'll pick you up!"

"Nah, I'm busy..."

"Busy what? Brooding? We both know you can brood at the party too."

"So why you want me there? "

"Because it’s cute. You, standing in some shadow, complaining about how stupid everyone is for being happy while pretending you don’t love feeling like the smartest person in a room full of superhumans."

"...You're not making any sense."

"Stars make light, not sense."

"Stars also eventually explode, killing all life in their immediate vicinity."

"See, that's what I mean, you're the life of the party. I'll pick you up in five."

"Fine....come by the window. Alfred grounded me again."

"Let me guess—fighting with Jackie again?"

"She’s a joke. Not even a funny one."

"You two should just get a room already."


"HAHAHAHA! See you soon! be ready!"

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Ndzoodzoo's avatar

your art and story telling are so unique, and nostalgic. so glad i got to come across your page