gany's avatar


4 Watchers17 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Photography
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (3)
My Bio
Current Residence: asheville, nc
Favourite genre of music: metal or jazz
Favourite cartoon character: dr. zoidberg
Personal Quote: "the necessity to be an activist of the truth is the necessity of the truth itself."

Favourite Visual Artist
diego rivera, rene magriette, paul klee, will jackson, etc.
Favourite Movies
bertolucci's "dreamers", "kill bill", kurosawa's "red beard"
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
ahleuchatistas, thelonius monk, system of a down, dave douglas, danzig
Favourite Writers
marx, lenin, mao, lukacs, gramsci, althusser, deleuze, badiou, etc.
Favourite Games
Other Interests
philosophy, radical politics, music, art, sports, films, history, lit, etc.
This is my first entry here. I'm glad to be home, but I miss Asheville. I want to sit in cafes talking about critical theory. I want to rejoin the political struggle there. I want to eat in anarchist diners and take my bike down those city streets again. I want to start the summer research collaboration on Badiou and Mao with my a-ville friends (my prof called our group "three brilliant marxists"), I want to write for the Asheville Global Report again, I want to listen to experimental music in underground bars... etcetera, etcetera. I feel like here I'm just waiting to get back, wasting time... in some pleasant limbo. The only thing here for
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Profile Comments 8

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thanks for the fav !
thanks a lot for the fav:-)
thank you for the favorite :D
thanx 4 the fav
Hey! Thanks for teh fav's. I appreciate it! I really like your booze picture you've got there. Take it easy, man. Thanks again!
thank yew for the favorite; welcome to deviantart! :D savvy gallery! i shall stalk thee.
welcome to DEV art. thank you for the comment. you sound interesting. ill watch you.