The cupcakes are ready.Gamibrii on DeviantArt

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Gamibrii's avatar

The cupcakes are ready.



I used pencil colors and,nankim and some markers i found.
Ok, for those who are fans and are inside in the world of MLP FIM and all the splendor, I do not like fanfic "Cupcakes" but it is obvious that those -pony shit youtube videos- and I've seen a lot of videos related to fic, and I did fanart because I wanted to see how I quit doing Pinkamena with an assistant of 'cakes psychopaths'. (seriously q)

Ok,pra quem está dentro do mundo dos fans MLP FIM e todo o seu esplendor,eu não gosto da fanfic "Cupcakes",mas é obvio que naqueles pony shit videos youtube eu já vi zilhares de videos relacionados a fic,e eu fiz o fanart porquê eu queria ver como eu me saia fazendo a Pinkamena com uma assistente de bolos psicopatas. (sério q)

Pinkamena / Applebloom (c) Lauren Faust and Hasbro
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1280x1391px 4.63 MB
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