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Runescape Quest Map



Well this was a WAY bigger task than i ever thought it would be but i'd like to present my map of all the quest lines in runescape. I've seen many people attempt this before but they're always just a bunch of names and an incomprehensible mess of arrows, i wanted to do something way better

There are a few major differences between this and most people's attempts at this map. Firstly all the arrows flow downwards, as such this map also acts as like a timeline of the story through runescape. Secondly as you can see i didnt just use a bunch of names and arrows but used quest artwork for each of the quests. Most of these icons required me to expand the pictures outward to fit the area, and there where quite a few quests that didnt have any artwork and required me to make icons for them from scratch. The shields used to show the quest difficulty was inspired by a similar set of shields used in the old runescape manual, sadly i couldnt find the manual anymore so i had to make my own. Thirdly i should point out that this is a cylindrical map, in other words the left and right edges loop into eachother so i've make the image tilable in the horizontal direction. The final important difference in this map is i changed some of the connections. mainly by connecting the world wakes to missing presumed death, these quests are direct sequels and SHOULD be connected. From this change i also removed alot of double connections thus simplifying it down (hopefully)

I really hope you guys like this, it took WAY longer than it should have. Will try to update this image as new quests come up so feel free to use it as your own personal quest tracker ^_^

Rsn: Gamez x
Image size
6296x7888px 25.48 MB
© 2016 - 2024 gamez-x
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DaddyLeon's avatar
I can't get over how great this is!! You must have had a huge computer screen, right? How...else could you have organized this so well?