Explosion 3Gamekiller48 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/gamekiller48/art/Explosion-3-491196859Gamekiller48

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Daily Deviation

November 29, 2014
[Stock & Resources] Explosion 3 by Gamekiller48 can be "useful to many deviants. The transparency and the realistic mushroom shape would add a nice touch of realism to any art it is used in."
Featured by PirateLotus-Stock
Suggested by DamselStock
Gamekiller48's avatar

Explosion 3


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My explosion-stock series is one of the most favourited of my stocks, and also of the most used explosion stocks on deviantArt - so I thought "hey, why not upload a new one?".

Other explosion stocks: 
Explosion 4
Explosion Test 2 
Mushroom cloud stock 
Explosion Test

This stock image is licensed under a creative commons (CC-BY-NC 3.0) license, which means: you may use it, as long as you mention me as the author of the stock, and as long as you don't earn money with it.
Image size
2152x1967px 11.54 MB
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