I Am Just a PonyGame-BeatX14 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/game-beatx14/art/I-Am-Just-a-Pony-592824131Game-BeatX14

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Game-BeatX14's avatar

I Am Just a Pony

Character  Coloratura


I'm back with something totally different! A few months ago I biked around my neighborhood and took a huge batch of nature photos with the intention to make a PIRL (Ponies in real life) wallpaper. I never really made progress with the original idea, so I decided to make use of two photos and mix it with the background on this wallpaper. Sometimes a simple idea can totally change the outcome of the project. I might try more of this. :D (Big Grin)

The plants are from my backyard and the picture was taken on my phone.
Visible layers: 48

Coloratura / Rara Vector by VaderPL

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PioneeringAuthor's avatar
This is beautiful, and it really captures the moment! Fantastic!