GA-HQ Art Contest #2: The Super Nintendo!

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29.04 - Update: 1 Day and 3 hours are left right now!

The Theme:

Any Video Game that was released on the SNES, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System counts!  Be it the games from Nintendo itself but also any type of ports and multiplatform games ranging from the movie adaption of Alien 3, TV Cartoon based games like TMNT, Beavis and Butthead, The Animaniacs or ports of PC / Amiga games like Populous, Sim City or arcade ports like Street Fighter II and Parodius.

You can submit character illustrations or portraits of characters that were in Super Nintendo games or you can try to illustrate the game itself, how you do it, is your thing.

The rules:

No nudity, no fetish stuff
The fan art has to be new of course and was made for this contest
You can tribute the SNES in general, choose a specific game that was on the console or choose a specific game character from a SNES game. Something like Mario in his look from Super Mario Oddyssee is not allowed of course, Mario as example would have to be the Mario from Mario World, Kart or even Baby Mario from Yoshi's Island.
1 submission per artist
The contest ends on Monday the 30th April at 12 PM
You have to mention it in the description of the submission that it was made for the Game-Art-HQ SNES Art Contest and add a link our group
You don't have to be a group member to participate in our contests

You can submit the deviation via a comment right here, you don't have to submit it directly to the group since we will request it from you for the contest gallery folder :-)

The Prizes:

40 Dollars, paid via Paypal for the 1st Prize,
20 Dollars as the 2nd Prize

We also have a pool of games on Steam as prizes for the 3rd-7th Winners including games like Wasteland 2, Broken Sword 5 and many more.

The winners will be decided through 6 art judges and be announced at the first May weekend. One of the art judges is myself :iconreinhold-hoffmann: 4 are artists and part of GA-HQ since years and 1 is a mystery that will be lifted in the first week of may.

The art contests prizes are paid through group members that donate 1,2,3,5 dollars per month to our Patreon account ( if you like the idea of supporting art contests like this one, have a look and help to make us these contests (more) attractive for the artists!

If you don't know a lot about the awesome video game console that was the SNES, that case you missed really a ton of awesome games.

Let me name just a few that are among my favourites..and maybe also an inpiration for you to participate in this contest!

Actraiser, Battletoads in Battlemaniacs, Contra III, Earthworm Jim, Final Fantasy III (6), Killer Instinct, Mortal Kombat 2, Parodius, Rock N Roll Racing, Super Mario World, Secret of Mana, Super Metroid, Zombies Ate My Neighbours, Zelda: A Link to the Past..and so many more...

Much fun and good luck everyone!

Small Update:
Unlike the previous Playstation 4 Contest, the SNES one also has its own gallery now which can be seen here:…

Small Notes:
This contest started on the 11th March
I informed a good couple of artists personally that were active here before or / and drew SNES or Nintendo related art in the past since our journals alone don't reach many group members anymore it seems.
The first submission was online on the 17th March and featured Super Metroid

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Unreal-Forever's avatar
Finally I was able to finish my drawing:
Akuma for GA-HQ Art Contest #2: The Super Nintendo by Unreal-Forever