Lilly [HXH oc]GalaxyGinger on DeviantArt

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Lilly [HXH oc]



Note: DanceOfAngels talked me into this finally XD
Note 2: Things will change cause i'm trying to figure out how to do this XD
EDIT: Changed her look and did a new drawing.
EDIT EDIT: Fixed her abilities so they make sense!
EDIT EDIT EDIT: Added weakness, fighting style and back story!
EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT: Fixed her bio ouo
EDIT(x5): Fixed her info again and changed her abilities so they make a bit more sense and looks nicer ouo
EDIT: added a Theme song
EDIT[x9..ish?]: I fixed her abilities once more. Added some different types and added what happens when she goes into blood lust.
EDIT: I revamped her completely with with look. I'm also adding in someone on elementalist.


Lilly Hallowell
    Nicknames: Mother Nature, Flower girl, Mud girl, Eve
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Relationship status: Single / Heterosexual
Race: Human - Earth elementalist
Occupation: Hunter/Florist
DOB: September 13th
Personality: Kind, sweet, and caring. She maybe a tad bit too trusting of people, but she does learn fast if they show another side.
Astrological sign: Virgo
Chinese Zodiac: Ox
Hunter exam: 286th - passed
Nen Type: Specialist
Eye color: Right side: Brown - Left side: Green
Hair color: Whiteish green
Height: 5'5"


Mother: Emily Hallowell [Alive]
Father: Jordon Hallowell [Alive]
Cousin: Jade Williams [Alive]

-=-People she knows-=-
Leorio, Gon, Killua, Mahem, and Thadea and Jack.

Himerus [Belongs to Promptus ]
Thadea [Belongs to DanceOfAngels ]
Hiko [Belongs to Promptus ]

-=-People she is neutral with-=-
Anonymous [Belongs to DanceOfAngels ]
Jack [Belongs to DanceOfAngels ]
Mahem [Belongs to DanceOfAngels ]
Erus [Belongs to DanceOfAngels ][she isn't happy he did ruin her shop a few times.]

-=-People she dislikes-=-


-=-Fighting Style-=-
Muay Thai and MMA


    Must stay in contact with the earth to use her abilities
    Unable to create earth, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources
    Glass and artificial solids may be hard or impossible to control
    Her blood lust, which happens when she sees flowers she grew being destroyed or harmed. Same goes with friends and people she cares for.
    Her necklace. It helps her with her connection to the earth since its a stone. She keeps it close to her at all times so that no matter what. When her aura is activated to do her abilities, the stone its self does start to glow slightly.

-=-Pure Rage-=-

During her Pure rage her aura is a lot more visible. You can see her golden yellow aura as her attacks become stronger, and she becomes a lot more faster when she fights.

She also gains control of Plants and uses them to fight. She will use vines to hold people down while she lashes out at them.

-=-Nen Abilities-=-

-=-Hatsu abilities-=-

            Type                    Ability

    Specialist - Tears of the earth - She is able to use energy from the earth to heal wounds, and mend broken bones.
        Condition: She must be around earth, IE dirt, rocks, ext.
    Specialist/ Conjuring - Thorns of the Earth - She is able to form claws made of earth material over her fingers, She can use this to climb walls and attack as well.
        Condition: Needs to be around earth, IE dirt, rocks, ext.
    Specialist/Conjuring - Earth Protection - She can use the earth to form shield to take on attacks and defend herself.
        Condition: Needs to be around Earth, IE dirt, rocks, ext.
    Specialist - Daggers of Earth - She is able to create spikes from the earth to force people back and/or harm them.
        Condition: Needs to be around Earth, IE dirt, rocks, ext.

Strongest moves:
            Type                Ability

    Specialist/Enhancer - Earth Aura -She draws energy from the earth to tap into her own aura more and use strong abilities.
        Condition: She must be around earth for this to be in effect. Her necklace glows brighter due to more aura being released.
            Downside: Once coming down from this she is very weak.
    Specialist/Emitter - Wrath of Nature: The user can summon a stream of endless waves (ranging from hundreds to thousands to millions) of objects like blades, bullets, energy blasts, etc., around their target to bombard them from all sides with no hope of escape. Users most likely have a complex strategy and pattern to confuse their opponent and limit their movement.
        Condition: Needs Earth aura activated to use this. This move is almost always a one time move. She gets severely weak after she uses it, so this tends to be her last resort.

-=-Other abilities-=-

    Enhanced Durability
    Enhanced Stamina
    Enhanced Strength

Plant manipulation [minor][Doesn't use these for fighting]

    Flower Manipulation-
User can create, shape and manipulate flowers, they can cause flowers and parts of the flowers, including petals, stems and pollen, to grow and bloom, move/attack, mutate flowers by rearranging DNA structure, and revive withered or dead flowers.
    Plant growth- The user can influence and accelerate the growth of plants, causing them to mature with supernatural speed, grow to unusual size, and produce in abundance. User can cause plants to grow from seeds to full-grown plants in moments, cause them to flower and produce fruits, seeds, etc. outside season, cause a cut plant to grow roots and other similar feats.
    Seed Manipulation- Users can create, shape and manipulate seeds of the flowering plants.

-=-Back Story-=-

Lilly is a 3rd generation Florist from her mother's side. She is also the 5th generation earth elementalist within her family. She learned to control her ability through training with her grandpa, and mother. By the age of 18 she wanted to do more with her life then just be a florist. Her Grandpa talked to her about becoming a hunter to be able to go out and explore and find flowers to bring back to their home and sell in the shops. With that incentive, she went to the 285th exam to become a hunter.

After a bit of struggling and some hard times, she passed the exams and became the first hunter of her family. Now with the license she heads to explore the lands to find the different flowers and plant life as well as train her skills to become a stronger fighter.

-=-Side note-=-

Elementalist are known to have white colored hair, mixed in with the color of their element. Water users have blue/white hair, fire users have red/white hair, Earth users have green/white hair and Air users have blonde/white hair. Sadly those who are born from their line but have no elemental power have just plain white hair and stunning purple eyes.



    Mother nature
    Making people smile with her flowers
    Lightly sweet stuff


    Rude people
    People who trash flowers and plants
    Being called weak
    Being looked down upon
    Overly sweet stuff

-=-Other info-=-

    Polite and kind to others
    She is a sucker for flowers
    She has her own private garden where she grows the flowers for her shop.
    She has a gentle voice when she talks normally, but when upset she can become loud and harsh
    Her necklace is a gift from her grandma
    She doesn't enjoy violence at all. Lilly tries to be the peace bringer, but she has her limits and won't stand around when her friends or people she cares for are under attack.

Theme song:…

Mahem and Thaeda and jack and Anonymous and Erus belong to DanceOfAngels
Himerus and Hiko belongs to Promptus
Image size
1500x2000px 1.2 MB
© 2017 - 2025 GalaxyGinger
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