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Galaxy-Squid's avatar

I can show you the world



Shining shimmering splendid~~
I'm so not sorry

I haven't drawn Roman or Zosma for a while, so why not put the two boys together? It was interesting working with so many colors in one drawing, and there are tons of flaws (color, anatomy, lighting, balance, etc) I might fix later, but for now I'm actually really proud of this :D
Roman is a big fan of space but the poor guy can't fly... Zosma is being a good friend. And somehow Roman can breathe in space. Maybe Zosma has some sort of space power. Maybe it's magic. Maybe it's Maybelline.

Paint tool sai, wacom bamboo tablet, 4-ish hours
Image size
3008x3008px 5.76 MB
© 2014 - 2024 Galaxy-Squid
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Xena-Michele's avatar
Holy. Fucking. Balls.

This is fantastic. Look at all that lighting! All those colours! SPAAAACE!!!

This is perfect. Roman looks so stoked.