Blegd and Smeeg 11Galaxieretter on DeviantArt

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Galaxieretter's avatar

Blegd and Smeeg 11



Well this one means a lot.

First off. It is the first thing I did in 2006. 20060101. The gate way to a new year. The opening of a portal to a world of opportunities.

Ok lame.

Second... this marks the restart of my webcomic. I had to take a LOOOONG break for the holidays because I simply had-no-time to draw Blegd and Smeeg or much of anything for that matter. Now with 2006 Blegd and Smeeg is back in full force. (hopefully)

Blegd and Smeeg. Updated every Monday and Friday. (Usually)

EDIT 2010:
Unscrapping because of Djaser Epicness.
Image size
597x681px 288.44 KB
© 2006 - 2025 Galaxieretter
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Grandy02's avatar
I miss Blegd and Smeeg. :( What happened to its site? Apart from comic 11, almost nothing remains of Blegd and Smeeg on the Web. Galaxieretter, do you still have the other ones (I think there were about 25)? If yes, could you upload them to Deviantart? That would be great! :)