Gilbert the Gryphon - ToyGalahawk on DeviantArt

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Galahawk's avatar

Gilbert the Gryphon - Toy



Since I'm going to finally get around to uploading more school artwork I've been forgetting about, here's my personal favorite of them. A fabulous little paper toy I made at the end of fall semester for class. <3

We had to make paper toys or a papercraft model so I chose to make a toy. This is Gilbert, a gray gryphon. For the flats, please see this deviation:

This picture group is what he looks like when he's done. When you press down the "button" on his back, his wings flap!

Design is © =Galahawk - 2012
Image size
2000x1029px 1.53 MB
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hotpinkdragon's avatar
I want one! XD I shall print!