
Team Pecha's Written Application 2.0

Deviation Actions

Galactic-Rainbow's avatar

Literature Text

Team Name: Pecha
Guild: Merchants
Rank: Chatot

Member 1 Signature: Amy the Jigglypuff
Gender: Female

Trait & Personality: Naïve/Often lost in thought

Move 1: Protect
Move 2: Mega Kick
Move 3: Psychic
Move 4: Flamethrower

Accessories: Red bow on her back

Member 2 Signature: Chikorita
Gender: Female

Trait & Personality: Docile/Likes to relax

Move 1: Grasswhistle
Move 2: Ancientpower
Move 3: Magical Leaf
Move 4: Vine Whip

Accessories: Pink bow tie around her leaf, pink and magenta scarf around her neck

Member 3 Signature: Darren the Golurk
Gender: None (identifies as male)

Trait & Personality: Calm/Highly persistent

Move 1: Bulldoze
Move 2: Fly
Move 3: Earthquake
Move 4: Shadow Punch

Accessories: None

Member 4 Signature: Chai the Servine
Gender: Male

Trait & Personality: Hardy/Highly curious

Move 1: Vine Whip
Move 2: Bind
Move 3: Leaf Blade
Move 4: Aerial Ace

Accessories: None


It was a dark, stormy night, the kind of dark stormy night that made Amy the Jigglypuff wish she was listening to Jody the Bisharp's amazing tales of adventure and success, instead of once again going on a fetch mission for PK. Well, it wasn't exactly night, and wasn't stormy, either, but the darkness of the storm clouds that had conveniently decided to blanket the usually sunny Tao Village made it seem like night had come early by comparison. What weighed more importantly on Amy's mind was why PK wanted a certain book from this guy named "Callahan" right now, especially since the guy's house was ATTATCHED to the back of the Merchant's Hut. She couldn't fathom why PK couldn't be bothered to go get the book herself, so here she was, in front of the mysterious house that one day showed up from out of nowhere. She was about to bang on the door in a desperate attempt to get OUT of the intensifying rain when suddenly…

"Come in, come in! My goodness, come in! I can't believe you've all been waiting outside in the rain all this time! You could have knocked earlier, you know! My name is Callahan, or Calla, for short. I'm the guild registrar, you know. I'm quite good at it!"

A Ninetales with gray fur and black ink strewn over his nine tails opened the door, looking quite cheerful. The Jigglypuff stared, dumbfounded. On one hand, she was glad that she had found the right person, but on the other hand, she wondered if she was expected to come here to begin with. "Uh…but I just got here—"

"Oh, please allow me to take your belongings; they're all wet! I'll just hang them in front of the fireplace to dry as we go over the formalities. Don't forget to take them when we're done! You wouldn't believe how many people leave their accessories here with me! (Please don't do that, I have so many things cluttering up my attic in dusty old boxes…)"

Callahan YANKED the giant red bow off of Amy's back; rather painfully, too, since it had been held fast there by some sort of mysterious adhesive that only Elgyems and Beheeyems from outer space could explain (and for all Amy knew, they were the ones who manufactured said mysterious adhesive in the first place). "OW!" she screamed. "HEY! GIVE IT BACK! IT'S MINE! " But the Ninetales didn't pay any attention and hung the bow in front of the fireplace anyway. Despite the unusually intense heat in the room, Amy shivered at the sensation. She had become so used to wearing that bow of sentimental value that it felt strange to suddenly have it off for once. Callahan then strode to his desk and began sorting the piles upon piles of papers on his desk.

"And the paperwork, of course! There will be a lot of that, don't you worry one bit! You do have the forms that we've mailed you filled out, yes? That does always make things go much quicker here."

Amy blinked in confusion. "Wait, what? What paperwork? I'm only here for a book…uh…what was it again…?" She could swear that PK mentioned the book she needed, but Callahan's swift and confounding behavior forced her to devote all of her brain energy to keeping up with his randomness, and couldn't quite remember the title of the book. Although seeing Callahan's obnoxious behavior now did give her a clue…did the title have something to do with "Jerks"…?

"No matter, I have spare forms, and all the time in the world! I trust you have no pressing appointments yet, so I'll write down your information now. With your help, of course."

Callahan's apparent dismissal of his guest's true mission drove Amy nuts. She flailed her arms in frustration. "What do you mean, information!? I said I was only here for a b—!"

"Let's get right down to it, shall we? My fastest time for entering a team in the official guild registrar is a touch under a few hours; let's see if we can break the record! All right now…names, please?"

"Wait, what? Team? Names? A few HOURS??" It just occurred to Amy that this Callahan was also one of the guys who registered new people for guilds. Back when she first joined, before the very first mission, it was PK and Shroomsworth themselves who registered her team for the Merchants' guild. But now everyone has to register through this guy? Even if they've already registered in the past? Surely, Callahan would discover the original paperwork before Amy's team was registered twice, but then again, it was possible that said original paperwork was destroyed during Kyurem's rampage…after all…most of the village was destroyed during that frightening night, anyway…She sighed and figured she might as well go along with this silly charade, as long as she could ask him about the book later. "Okay…my name's Amy."

"Oh dear! And there's only one of you in your team?"

Amy's eyes widened. "No, no! There's three of us! Three!" she frantically replied. "My best friends Chikorita and Darren the Golurk. Chikorita's kind of missing at the moment; I swear, we're still trying to find her. And Darren's in Mrs. Jody's cave right now for shelter. Says his body would crumble apart in rain or something."

"Ahh.. what.. commo— er, good names you all have! Moving on! What alias do you wish to give you lot of fellows? I hope it's something good! I've been so bored by Pokémon insisting to use a name like 'Team Awesome' or anything of the sort. More like 'Team Mediocrity,' I like to think! I'm sure you have a much more original name."

"We already HAVE a name! Team Pecha." Amy smiled with pride. "My most favorite berry ever. I came up with the name myself, and it's amazing how simple and catchy it is, even after hearing so many other people's team names all this time." But then she asked with trepidation, "Is…that original enough for you?"

To her relief, Callahan smiled, and replied,
"I knew you wouldn't let me down! Is that the normal spelling, or do you insist on losing letters, or replacing them altogether entirely? (I hope not…)"

"Oh no, no! It's the normal spelling." Amy was never really good at this whole "reading and writing" thing, and had to have Chikorita teach her. Luckily, she made huge progress, and could at least tell that the normal spelling of such simple words as "Pecha" were sufficient enough. Besides, with it being hard enough for her to read as is, she wouldn't stand for unnecessary complications as unusual spelling.

Callahan happily filled the forms with the word "Pecha" on it, obviously relieved that this Jigglypuff preferred the normal spelling. "And…done. All right! Next topic! You seem to be the leader of the team, here, lass. Why don't you tell me about yourself? Please make it interesting! I'm not filing a police report, you know. I don't get paid for this, either. I do it for the stories people tell! Everyone has a story! (Some are better than others, though. That's for sure…) However, I do hope yours isn't filled to the brim with angst and darkness, you know. We have enough of that as it is with the recent crises we've been going through! If you insist on weaving a yarn of incredible sadness and general malaise, please make it good. I'll discern the necessary details from your story and put it down in the log book here."

Amy shivered. She did NOT like telling just anyone—most especially, some annoying guy she didn't even know—her true life story just like that. Heck, half the time, what with the peaceful life in Tao Village, she even began to wonder if it was all some sort of crazy dream that she woke up from! If there was one thing she and Callahan could agree on, it was that they both hated stories filled with sadness and pain, and though her true life story wasn't nearly as bad as Callahan seemed to be expecting, it also wasn't one she would necessarily choose for herself. So she quickly racked her brains and came up with the faked life story Chikorita helped her perfect that she would always tell to those who asked. Besides, considering the lifestyle of those in peaceful Tao Village, it was more believable.

"Well, uh…Let's see…I was a normal Jigglypuff, living in a normal Meganium tribe. No really, my mom and dad come from these Wigglytuff and Clefable tribes who were always fighting with each other, and so when they fell in love, their tribes kicked them out, so they were forced to join said Meganium tribe. And Chikorita was being teased by her big brothers, so when she ran away and hid with my mom and dad, she met me for the first time, and that's when we became friends. Anyway, I was looking for some Pecha Berries when we fell into this hole where a really mean Pokémon lived, but luckily, we beat him and survived. My mom and dad told me that the world was a dangerous place like that, and if we really never wanted to live a peaceful life, suggested that we go here to Tao Village. And that's how we came here! We've been here for a long time, that's for sure."

As she spoke, Amy thought about how difficult it was for Rallen the Beheeyem and Jody the Bisharp due to their own tribes/planets forbidding them from falling in love, who, against all odds, managed to be together, and most especially, how nice and wonderful people they were. How often did she wish that they were her parents instead? Though she managed to last this long on her own, it was clear that they helped give her very much in the way of good advice, advice that she treasured very much.

Callahan slowly clapped using his tails, and Amy wasn't sure as to whether he was being sarcastic or not. "What an enchanting tale! I can see why you'd probably like to join the Rogues' guild!"

Amy nearly bounced high enough to hit the roof of the house in involuntary shock. "WHAT!? NO! I'm a MERCHANT! Didn't Miss PK tell you all about us? I mean, you should have at least heard about us from the past, oh, I don't know, SEVEN missions or so—" Just then, she paused, as she remembered what exactly she came here for. "Oh wait, the book—!"

But Callahan interrupted her as he stood up at his desk.
"Very well, then! It seems I have all I need in order to register you here in our peaceful Tao Village! If during your travels you decide to recruit or add on an extra member to your team, please have them visit me and fill out the necessary info at the top. I don't think I'll keep you here any longer, I have everything I need from you! I haven't broken any records for time tonight, though. Your story took up quite a bit of it! (Thankfully, it didn't put me to sleep…it's happened before). Time to conclude our business here!"

Callahan leaped over his desk and used his mouth to yank Amy up by one of her ears. "Wait—no—stop—the book—I mean, the book—" He ignored the poor Jigglypuff's desperate flailing as he strode on over to the door, turned the doorknob with one of his many tails, and flung her out into the rain that by now was pouring down hard.

As soon as he slammed the door shut, the shock of the drastic change in temperature and weather from the roasting hot interior to the wet, bitterly cold exterior made Amy realize something. Something important. "HEY!" she shouted, racing back to the door and banging on it fiercely. "My bow! GIVE IT BACK—!"

She didn't even finish banging on the door when it suddenly opened again, and she fell flat on her face on the doormat. She then felt her familiar red bow being flung onto her back before the door slammed into her head, forcing her back out into the rain. Well, at least she got her bow back…but there was one more thing she was forgetting.

"AND WHAT ABOUT THE BOOK!?" she shouted, continuing to bang on the door.

This time, though, there was no indication that the door would be opened anytime soon. In fact, Amy swore that she could hear the door being locked and Callahan humming something along the lines of
"Oh dear, I can't quite make out what you're saying, child! The rain is quite loud!"

In frustration, and realizing that this Ninetales' time-stalling proved to likely be just a tactic so he could avoid giving her the book, Amy shouted in frustration and ran through the rain straight for Jody's cave nestled somewhere in the middle of Tao Woods, where Darren would surely be nice and dry already.


Callahan hummed quietly to himself as he sat at his desk, when suddenly, the ground heaved, as if a massive metal hunk of…something…landed right outside his door. Mildly curious, he was about to peek a look through the door's keyhole when suddenly, the door itself was punched open by a fist filled with shadowy energy. It slammed into his face and sent him sprawling across the room, though he quickly landed back on his feet in an effort to see just what it was that hit him.

"Give it up, Callahan!" he heard a cute, tiny voice shout. "I've got Darren with me now. So LISTEN UP!"

The same Jigglypuff he had dealt with not long before was back, but this time, she rode atop a Golurk who had his right arm stretched out in a punching manner. The Golurk's eyes shone a bright yellow as he started speaking in a rather gentlemanly tone of voice. "Master Amy has hereby requested of me to help her complete her mission. For the sake of minimizing the amount of physical and mental damage, I hereby suggest that you cooperate in our investigation. As a Ninetales, you comprehend and understand the logic in that, correct?"

Callahan was somewhat taken aback by the Golurk's gentlemanly yet assertive tone of voice, and wondered just what this Jigglypuff child did to get on the guy's good side. But he couldn't lose his composure. He smiled and straightened himself up, heading back toward his desk.
"Ahh, yes! The fabled new member of the team that stood out in the rain for hours before finally knocking! I remember her! Come in! It's nice to see that you knocked immediately. Shows initiative! Most of your information has already filled out by her (with my help, of course), but please, for posterity, tell me about yourself! How did you come to meet that raggedy little Pokémon and become so interested in her that you decided to join? Do tell!"

Darren crawled his way through the entrance and happily answered Callahan's question, making sure to shield Amy from any long-range moves that Callahan might know. He ignored her protests against answering "that jerk's" questions and happily replied, "Why, I shall, good sir. You see, it is my directive from Kyurem to humbly serve and protect Master Amy. Is that doubt I see on your face? I assure you, I could not be more thankful, for if Master Amy never came around, I would still be entombed within the confines of the Icy Cavern, which is, as I am sure you are aware of, Kyurem's old residence."

Little did Callahan and Amy know that this was all an attempt to stall for time and distract Callahan while Darren scanned the room, searching for the specific book entitled "How to Deal with Jerks for Dummies, Fifth Edition."

But even Callahan wasn't that dumb. He casually strode to where the book was on one of his many bookshelves, blocking it from Darren's reach.
"That seems to be everything I need! Go out now, and get some rest! I doubt you'll live to regret your deci—!"


Callahan received a fistful of Shadow Punch to his face, even though he was trying to anticipate where it might come from. Apparently, this Golurk's attacks weren't nearly as predictable as his gentlemanly nature made them out to be. He slammed into his desk, temporarily too stunned and dizzy to move.

Darren pulled the book out and crawled out the door, picking up Amy and cradling both her and the book in his arms. "Mission accomplished," he said, quite happily as he closed the door behind him.

Amy was happy that Darren was here to help her out this time and punch Callahan out for her, though she couldn't help but worry for the Ninetales who was so easily beaten. She attempted to peer down through the window of Callahan's house, which was easier said than done, since Darren's massive body blocked most of her view. "You think he's gonna be okay?"

"Not to worry, Master Amy. He shall revert back to his original condition within a mere 50.6 seconds. But I do believe that he shall think twice about heckling you again."

"Thanks for always being here for me, Darren." Amy smiled. Then her eyes gazed upon the cover of the book. "Still. I think it's a good idea for us to read that book a little before giving it to Miss PK. What do you think?"

"Excellent suggestion, Master Amy. I was 1.2 seconds away from suggesting it, myself."
:star: Team Pecha's Art Application 2.0 :star:

For any written missions (especially from Chikorita's point of view), just because! It was way more fun to fill this out than I originally thought it would be. I also hope that Chatot is the right rank for me; I mean, I knew that I belonged in Raichu Rank for art from the start, but I'm not sure about Chatot as opposed to Farfetch'd...what do you all think?

Oh yeah, and the reason you only see Amy here instead of Chikorita is not just because I wanted this to take place during Mission 7, when Chikorita had been teleported to the past, but also because 1) I wanted to see what it would be like to write for just Amy as opposed to both of them, and 2) Chikorita's backstory would be rather similar to Amy's in this "made up" one.


Click the characters' pictures below to go read all about them!

PMD-E In-Depth Bio: Amy the Jigglypuff
Name and Species:  Amy the Jigglypuff
Other Names:  Master Amy (by Darren the Golurk), Inferior Being (by Dusknoir, O-Bem the Beheeyem, and O-Beema the Beheeyem)
Relatives:  Currently none living.
Current Moveset:
:bulletpink: Protect
:bulletpink: Mega Kick
:bulletpink: Psychic
:bulletpink: Flamethrower

:star: Fabricated History: :star:

(This is the story that Amy tells to people whom she just met and/or doesn't know very well.)

Amy was the only child of Roy the Clefable and Jean the Wigglytuff. The Clefable tribe (who lived on the moon) and the Wigglytuff tribe (who lived in a mountain range) were always fighting over who was more
PMD-E In-Depth Bio: Chikorita
Name and Species: Chikorita
Other Names: Heather the Chikorita (the pen name she uses when writing books), Inferior Being (by O-Bem the Beheeyem and O-Beema the Beheeyem)
Relatives:  Venus the Meganium (mother), George the Tangrowth (father), Kale the Bayleef (older brother), Chard the Chikorita (older brother)
Current Moveset:
:bulletpink: Ancientpower
:bulletpink: Grasswhistle
:bulletpink: Magical Leaf
:bulletpink: Vine Whip

:star: History: :star:

Chikorita hatched on the beach next to Treasure Town, far, far away from her family's original homeland of Tao World. She had to learn everything on her own, was often bullied, and was ne
PMD-E In-Depth Bio: Darren the Golurk
Name and Species: Darren the Golurk
Other Names: Grovyle (by Amy and Chikorita when no one else is around), Unit 301 (the original name of his Golurk body), Giant Flying Robot Golem Slave Guy (by PK the Kecleon)
Relatives:  Currently none living.

Moveset as Grovyle:
:bulletblue: Absorb
:bulletblue: Dig
:bulletblue: Quick Attack
:bulletblue: Leaf Blade

Current Moveset:
:bulletblue: Bulldoze
:bulletblue: Fly
:bulletblue: Earthquake
:bulletblue: Shadow Punch

:star: Past Life as Grovyle: :star:

He was originally born as a Treecko 500 years in the future to Sceptile, his mom, and Garchomp, his dad, from whom he inherited his interes
PMD-E In-Depth Bio: Chai the Servine
Name and Species: Chai the Servine
Other Names: N/A
Relatives:  Currently none living.
Current Moveset:
:bulletblue: Vine Whip
:bulletblue: Bind
:bulletblue: Leaf Blade
:bulletblue: Aerial Ace

:star: History: :star:

Chai was born in Prismatic Jungle about 200 years in the past. Due to the harsh, predatory nature of the jungle, he never met his parents nor any of his siblings, but he never missed them. All his life, he only had himself to rely on. He tried making friends in his early days, but all those friendships were very short-lived, either due to them being killed or eventually attempting to kill him, and by the time he evolved into a S
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Kitty--RawR's avatar
This is an interesting team you have. I loved reading what you wrote. It was quite funny and enjoyable, Also I think you DO belong in the Chatot Rank. :D