
Team Pecha's Origins

Deviation Actions

Galactic-Rainbow's avatar

Literature Text

The fall breeze blew through the night sky, carrying with it the scent of the colorful leaves that were beginning to fall off of the trees. Even from inside the house made of Pecha Berries that I made with Chikorita, I could still smell them. Chikorita had explained to me that in the fall, the leaves changed color to get themselves ready to fall off the trees, because when winter came, it would get really cold. I got worried at first, since the coldest time I'd ever experienced was the time we were in that dark future, but Chikorita laughed and said that it wasn't nearly that bad. Plus, this white stuff called snow would fall onto the ground, and we could play around and build stuff with it. It sounded like so much fun. I could barely wait.


"Yeah, Amy?"

"Almost time for that snow stuff, huh?"

"Yeah! It won't be long now!"



"I've been meaning to ask this for a while. Why…why am I the only one here who has a weird name?"

She sat up. "Huh? No, no! Amy's not weird. It's actually kind of cute!"

I sighed. "You know what I mean. You're a Chikorita, and your name is Chikorita. Bidoof is Bidoof, Chatot is Chatot, Master Wigglytuff is Wigglytuff…But I'm Amy, and I'm a Jigglypuff. Why?"

Chikorita looked at me in concern. "Grovyle said something about how humans always used those sort of naming systems, but it's not just humans. He said that there were others places where Pokémon would give themselves names like that. Mostly the really populated places, where there's a lot of the same species. It's just that Treasure Town here is tiny. We can afford to be lazy on names and stuff. But don't worry. We don't mind."

"Sorry if I made you worry. Guess it's no big deal."

"Hey, it's okay. Now c'mere…" She wrapped her Vine Whips around me and pulled me so hard that I crashed right into her face.

"Aww, c'mon…" I complained. "Not this again…"

"Hey, it's not my fault that you just happen to be so fluffy!" she joked. Then she got serious and said, "Honestly…I don't want to lose you again. Like last time."

"Chikorita…" I remembered. She told me six months had gone by when I disappeared into the vast recesses of time, and that those were the worst six months of her life. I didn't want her to feel bad like that, but I had no choice. I was seriously lucky to be brought back alive.

Then I also remembered the second time at Luminous Spring. A few days after we had stopped Darkrai and saved the world twice, we were playing around through the Mystifying Forest when we heard the crystal say that we could now evolve. Chikorita thought about it, but couldn't decide. Now I had a good reason to tell her to back off. "How about this? If you promise not to evolve, I promise to never leave you behind. Because honestly, I don't care whether you're super-strong or not. You're good enough just the way you are."

She sniffed. "Thanks…Amy. I promise." I guess she had been conflicted about whether she should get stronger in exchange for her appearance being permanently altered. But just like that, she could finally decide. And I was happy for that.



An odd voice punctured my dream. For a second, I thought it might be Cresselia again, but then this huge gray icy dragon just materialized in front of me.

"AAAAAH!" I shouted. "Who are you?"

"NO TIME FOR THAT. A METEOR IS COMING TO HIT TREASURE TOWN," he said, showing me an image of a huge chunk of rock falling from the sky, covered in a bunch of white stuff.

"Wait. WHAT?" I couldn't believe my ears.


The dream ended just like that, when I suddenly woke up, safe in the house. I was more confused than ever.

We walked out of the house and into town, planning to head to the Hot Springs to play around more in them. But I still couldn't shake that odd dream out of my head. It was weird, though. I never remembered my dreams, except for the fact that they never seemed to make any sense. I decided to tell Chikorita about it.

"AAAGH! Why do I always get the WEIRD dreams?" I complained.

"Huh. Bet it wasn't as weird as mine, where this ice dragon said a meteor was com—"

Right at that moment, the ground heaved and nearly threw us off our feet. We were confused about what was going on, until Marill and his little brother Azurill came by. They fell on their backs and gasped at what they saw.

"Amy! Chikorita! Look!" shouted Marill.

We looked up at the sky and saw that there was the exact same meteor slowly coming towards us. It was tiny, but it was still clearly aiming for Treasure Town.

There was only one thing to do. We ran straight to the Wigglytuff Guild to tell everyone to run away. But right when we reached the gate, it opened, and all the guild members came barreling out. Guess they felt the earthquake, too.

"Amy! Chikorita! G—gosh, sorry!" exclaimed Bidoof.

Sunflora was running around in circles, screaming. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, what's going on?"

Everyone else was in a panic until Master Wigglytuff and Chatot came out.

I ran up to them, pointed at the sky, and shouted, "Master Wigglytuff! That meteor's gonna hit us! We have to get out of here, NOW!"

"Ah, Amy! Don't be silly. You can just make it go KA-BLOOIE!" He grinned and started bouncing a Perfect Apple on his head.

"Master Wigglytuff, I'm serious!"

Chatot thought hard. "Hmm…" Then even he smiled and said, "You saved us once, you saved us twice…surely you can save us thrice?"

Okay, I knew that guy rhymed all the time, but I wasn't sure this was the best time for that.

"Chatot's RIGHT!" shouted Loudred, nearly blasting us all over. "Just get up there and BLAST it!"

"Hey hey hey! Don't be so modest! I'm sure you can do it!" said Corphish.

"I mean, you won't know until you try, right?" said Chimecho.

We were overwhelmed. Everyone actually believed we could destroy the meteor? That was insane…wasn't it? Then again, we saved the whole world from being paralyzed AND thrown into darkness, so maybe…just maybe…

"Meh heh…can't you just puff yourself up to fly and stuff? Meh heh…meh heh heh heh heh…" Croagunk just sat there, inflating the sacs on his cheeks.

"Well…" I gulped. "I guess I could. But Chikorita, you'd have to do the main attacking for me."

Chikorita nodded. "Will do. Now let's go stop that meteor!"

I took in a deep breath and held it in. As I did so, I started to float off of the ground. Chikorita hurriedly used Vine Whip to latch onto me.

Everyone cheered as we took off. I still wasn't sure of how smart this plan was; in fact, it was probably the dumbest plan ever, but it's not like we had a choice. Everyone honestly believed that we could stop the meteor, and besides, if we did, no one would have to leave. And there was also our Pecha Berry House. We worked super hard on that.

I tried to float up faster, but Chikorita seriously weighed me down. I mean, she was, what, twice my weight? It was a miracle that we were able to float at all, let alone get as high as we did.

"Faster, Amy! Faster!" she shouted.

I glared, unable to say anything back. If I talked, I would lose all the air in my mouth and we'd fall to the ground. I couldn't risk that.

As the meteor came closer, Chikorita started shooting Magical Leaf attacks at it, hoping to destroy it before it even came. Unfortunately, she didn't seem to be making even a dent in the big mass, and every time she swung her leaf, the impact would interfere with my upward flight.

Before we knew it, the meteor fell to our level. The ice-cold aura around it pushed us back and nearly froze me, but despite the pain, I held firm. Chikorita then started using Ancientpower on it, but with little success.

"What do we do, Amy? It's almost at the town!"

I looked down and saw that it was dangerously close, and we couldn't even make a dent in the stupid thing. There was only one option left to do…a move that Master Wigglytuff himself taught me, but was so powerful that it would seriously take out a lot of my voice.


Surprisingly enough, my Hyper Voice seemed to do this trick. It sent a major crack through the entire meteor and caused it to explode in a bright white light. The light engulfed us and pushed us back, and the bitterly cold shot through us so bitingly that we began to faint.




I was in the dream again, and there was that same voice from before.


Yes, that same huge gray ice dragon. "You again…?"


I was too confused. Why did he look so sorry? "Wait, what are you talking about? Didn't we save the town? And who ARE you?"

"I AM KYUREM. SOMEDAY, WHEN I AWAKEN…WE SHALL MEET AGAIN." He then flew off into the vast recesses of the dream, even though I desperately wanted to know more about this guy.

"Kyurem…wait…!  How…what…?"

A mess of cold, white, powdery stuff greeted my face as I blinked my eyes open. The mess dissolved into something wet, probably water, but other than that, I was confused. What was this material? And beyond that…what just happened.

Then I felt one of Chikorita's Vine Whips shaking me awake. I looked up to see that she had an absolutely horrified expression on her face, and I got nervous. That was never good.

"Amy…look." With her other Vine Whip, she pointed to the left. I followed it to see…that right in front of us, was Treasure Town, except that all the buildings had been smashed into the ground. A layer of thick white stuff covered everything, but it still couldn't hide the sheer amount of destruction that was surely the fault of that big, crumbling rock in the center…the meteor that apparently, we failed to destroy in time.

And absolutely no one was around.


It turns out that white stuff was what was called "snow." The problem was, at least according to Chikorita, was that winter wasn't even supposed to come this early, and she guessed that maybe the meteor had something to do with it.

But we quickly discovered that we had bigger problems. Our Pecha Berry House, unfortunately, didn't survive the damage, and neither did Chikorita's Treasure Bag that was still inside it when the meteor hit. All we could salvage were a few good pieces of the house itself. We ate as much as we could of it before we decided that we had to leave this place that was quickly becoming colder by the minute.

We called out for Master Wigglytuff, Chatot, Bidoof, Marill, Azurill…everyone. No one responded. We didn't know whether they had escaped in time or were crushed by the meteor, but given how we never found them, we suspected that they were all dead.

It was so sad. Why did they all have to die? Sure, they might have been difficult to deal with at times, especially when that nasty Team Skull was around, but deep down, they were good people. And all this caused by a simple meteor? How come Dialga, Palkia, or anyone else never came to help? Was it too small for them to even care? I mean, all it destroyed was Treasure Town…but still. No matter where we went, it seemed to snow. I felt betrayed. Not just by those guys, but by the snow itself. I thought it would be fun to play around in. But all it ever brought was misery.

We set off to try and find another village to take us in so that we could survive and tell them what happened to Treasure Town. We remembered Chimecho talking about how she came across a village while going to Foggy Forest to meet us. But no matter how far we traveled, we couldn't find the village at all, or any other village, for that matter. Maybe it was because of the howling winds that stung our eyes and made it almost impossible to see. Maybe the Pokémon of those villages just simply hid themselves to keep out of the bitter cold. Either way, though, with each passing day, we began to lose hope of ever finding shelter.

We wandered for days, and the days turned into weeks. We always stopped for the night under whatever shelter we could find, such as trees or crevices, but never anywhere warm. True, we started campfires whenever we could, but the winds would often blow them away. It was at those moments when I fervently wished I learned how to use Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Thunderbolt…anything to relieve the bitter chill that we felt nearly all the time.

How? How could it have come to this? All we wanted was to help people…and then this happens. Who was this Kyurem guy, anyway? Did he ask us because he heard about how we saved the world twice?

Chikorita had it even worse that I did. I didn't blame her. She was a Grass-type, after all. It would get to the point where the snowdrifts became so deep that I had to clear the way for her so that she would feel better.

We started to stumble. Our food supply had long since run out, and we were operating on pure adrenaline. At least we could get water from eating the snow, but even that wasn't as good as pure water. Problem was, whenever we came across pure water, it was already frozen, and no matter how hard we tried to break it, it wouldn't budge. In fact, I remembered an unusual stretch of ice that lasted for a while…

Whenever Chikorita tripped or couldn't support herself, I helped her out, and whenever the same thing happened to me, she would help me out. But we couldn't keep it up forever. Eventually, there came the day when both of our energy ran out at the same time. We were nowhere near any shelter as far as the eye could see. And we just collapsed, right there in the deep snow.

The cold snow began to pile up on top of us. We were too weak to talk…too weak to go any farther. All we could do was hang onto each other and wait for the end. It wasn't fair. We did so much for the world…and this was it? We would never be remembered for what we did? It seemed so pathetic, but there was absolutely nothing we could do about it.

The only comforting thought was that neither of us would have to die alone.


I couldn't remember how long I had been out. I was sure Chikorita and I had died. But then I felt an unusually…warm sensation. Something I hadn't felt—I wished I felt—for the longest time.

I slowly opened my eyes to find a fire burning in front of my face. If it weren't for the fact that its heat was some welcome, I might have freaked out. I had to thank it somehow. I cleared my throat, but all that came out was a cough.

"WHOA!" shouted a voice, and the flame swung away. It turned out that it was attached to a Charmander's tail. The Charmander wore a green scarf around his neck and a brown hat with a white feather on his head. He looked like he was about 13 or 14 years old. "Oh good, you're alive! Don't worry, everything'll be okay. We found you lying there in the snow and helped rescue you."

"Th…thanks. Wh…where am I?" I croaked.

The Charmander picked up a half-full bowl of water unusually carefully and brought it to my mouth so I could drink from it. Aaaah…real water never tasted so good. I quickly finished it, and he set it down, looking much more relieved.

"You're in Tao Village, or more specifically, the Rescuers' official clubhouse."

I looked around and found that the blanket I way lying on was on a wooden floor of some sort. All the walls and even the ceiling were also made of wood, and there were several tree branches outside the windows. There were also many wooden tables and wooden chairs around, a stairway, and a ladder leading out of a hole in the floor far from where I was. On another blanket right next to me was Chikorita, and I was relieved. She might not have woken up yet, but she was still breathing, so clearly, she was alive.

I looked back at the Charmander with the unusual accessories. "And who are you?"

He smiled and adjusted the brim on his hat. "I'm Michael, but you can call me Mikemander, or just Mike. I'm a Charmander!"

My eyes widened. This was the very first time I met a Pokémon who had a name that wasn't their species name, just like me. "No way…!" I gasped.

"What?" He looked panicked. "He—hey, you can just call me Mike, you know…!"

"No, not that?"

He looked confused. "Then what?"

"I'm Amy, and I'm a Jigglypuff! I didn't know there were other Pokémon out there that had names like mine…!"

"Ooooooh…" Then he burst out laughing.

"What? What'd I say?" Now it was my turn to get confused and annoyed.

"No, nothing wrong…it's just…" He wiped a tear from all that laughter. "It's actually really common here in Tao Village. The naming thing. Nearly everyone here give each other nicknames."

Right then, Chikorita started to stir. "Uuuugh…"

"Chikorita! It's me, Amy! Are you okay?"

Mike's eyes widened. "Ah, I see. She doesn't have a nickname?"

I turned back to him. "Nickname?"

"Yeah. Obviously, you could go by your species name, but most people around here choose a nickname so that they don't get confused with other people's specie names. And believe me, here, there are a LOT of Pokémon with of the same species!"

"I gotcha." I guessed that meant that there were a lot of Charmanders here too. Maybe Chikorita was right about Treasure Town being tiny, but I needed to see for myself. "Hey, Mike…?"

"Yeah, Amy?"

"Could you show us around town? When we get better, that is?"

He smiled. "Sure. Why not?"

Right then, a Pokémon I never even seen before came up the ladder. He had a gray furry body, but wore this huge black glass thing over where I presumed his eyes were. He looked like an older teen. "Yo Mike, so how're those dudettes doing…?" Then he noticed us. "Oh sweet! Let me introduce myself…"

He scampered up to us and posed dramatically. "I'm Chill the Minccino, leader of the Rescuers' Guild! Me and my bro Mike founded it just last year. You?"

"Uh…uh…" I was still stunned by his appearance. Minccino? What the heck was a Minccino? Then I remembered what I was supposed to say and shook my head. "Oh, right, right! I'm Amy the Jigglypuff, and this is Chikorita."

"N—nice to meet you…" She shivered. I guess she was even more surprised than I was.

"WHOA! Radical! You're, like, one of the uber-rare 'mons here who don't have a nickname!"

So they had to explain it all for Chikorita.


It took us another day of food, water, and rest, before we finally recovered enough to walk around. Mike kept his word and took us around town, even though he said he was Chill's co-leader.

"It's okay. It's my duty to help you guys get acquainted and not make the same mistakes I did! I never had anyone to help me…uuugh…" He shivered.

I felt bad for him. "I'm sorry…"

"No, no, it's not your fault. I was stupid, that's all."

The first building on our tour was the one to our right, and the closest. It was a keystone-like building with odd lines on it, and the front door was boarded up. "This is the Devonshire Law Firm. If I were you I'd stay as far away from it as possible. Lots of scary guys hang around it…"

And sure enough, there were some tough-looking Pokémon hanging around it. Some of them glared at Mike. I shivered. "I'll remember that…"

Then he pointed to the purple Drifblim-shaped building in front of us. "That's Barty's Bluff. If you need to go somewhere far away from here, just ask Barty, and he'll carry you there, free of charge. Unlike SOME things…" He began to grumble ominously. "But never mind that. Follow me."

We walked a little farther to what must've been the village square. There was a fountain in the middle of it with a statue of an odd Pokémon in the middle. The statue shot out water all the time. Meanwhile, some Pokémon were already out and about, walking all around it.

Mike pointed to a sign with a spiral on it and then to some stairs nearby that led to the underground. "That's Spinda's Café. If you want some drinks or a place to hang out, you should go there. You guys look really young—younger than me—so I would avoid going to the bar area. It's the section with the pretty lights. That's reserved for people 21 and up, anyway."

I wasn't entirely sure what he meant, but I remembered being told I was 10 years old at one point, so I figured I'd better follow his advice.

He walked a little farther to a smelly building with a huge mouth that seemed like it could chomp down on you at any moment. "That's the Trubbish Dump. We throw all our garbage here, and Trubbish here eats them for us. Disgusting, but he's always reliable. He's also one of few guys here without a nickname," Mike added, eyeing Chikorita.

Then he led us to a familiar looking building. "Is that Auntie Kangaskan's storage…" I asked.

"Close. Auntie Kanga's storage. She and Baby Roo help store stuff you don't need. I guess you had one where you were from…?"

"Yeah," said Chikorita.

A little farther along was a building in the shape of an insect-like Pokémon. "That's Leavanny's Tailor Shop. Chrys the Leavanny can help make new accessories for you. Amy, if you think that you want more than just that Red Bow, just ask him!"

I nodded. "I'll think about it."

Chikorita pointed to another recognizable building. "Is that Kecleon's Shop…?"

Mike groaned and gazed at it uncomfortably. "Actually, the shop is that thing to the left. This is the Merchant Guild's headquarters, which doubles as this village's bank. Did I tell you about the three guilds here?"

We shook our heads. I said, "Where we come from, there's Master Wigglytuff's Guild, but that was the only one…"

"Well, Chill and I are the head of the Rescuers' Guild, which helps people out for free. We follow all the rules of the land. No sneaky stuff, no stealing, no hurting others. We always do whatever it takes to fight for justice!" He smiled, and his eyes burned with passion.

Then his smile faded. "This is the Merchants' Guild. They deal with us and the other guild equally, and they tend to stay out of the action, instead, helping with the small task around town. But the problem is…" He grimaced. "They ask for money for everything. EVERYTHING. You want their help? You have to pay up. Drives me nuts. Why don't they just do it for free?"

He cleared his throat. "But even they aren't as bad as the Rogues' Guild. They say they help the poor' and all that, but they lie, cheat, and steal to do stuff like that. Oh yeah, and they also hate us Rescuers. There's a lot of fighting between us and them lately."

Chikorita asked, "Where's their headquarters?"

"I'm not sure…I think Chill might know, though…"

He continued on with the tour, and we saw another building that we recognized. "It's a Blissey!" I shouted.

"That's Blissey's Hatchery. She finds eggs and little toddlers and looks after them. I've heard you can even adopt one for you team at times…"

"Team?" asked Chikorita.

"Yeah. You're allowed to make a team with any one of the three guilds. Choose carefully, though, as once you join one, it'll be hard to change your mind without them thinking you're a traitor."

I thought hard. The Rescuers sounded awesome, but then again, we utterly failed to stop that meteor, and personally, I didn't want to go through that agony again. I was starting to think that maybe I've had enough life-threatening situations for a lifetime. If I joined the Merchants, we could help out with safe tasks, and if we did something dangerous, we could ask to be paid for it. Mike probably wouldn't like it, but we needed money to survive. Besides, the Rogues sounded scary, and what's more, I didn't want to take sides on a rivalry that could become intense.

"Anyway, we're almost done!" said Mike. He took us to the last two buildings, shaped like more Pokémon we never saw before. "The one on the left is Pidove Post. They deliver mail to everyone here. And the one on the right is Meinfoo's Dojo. I heard Master Foo can train you so that you can evolve."

Chikorita and I exchanged glances. We were apparently making a mental note to go nowhere near the place.

"And that's about it! Oh yeah, I forgot…" He pointed in the distance between Auntie Kanga's Storage and the Trubbish Dump. "The villagers live in those houses over there. But if you're a member of one of the guilds, you can also choose to live in our official headquarters. Don't worry, though. Even though you're not Rescuers, you guys can live in our clubhouse until you find somewhere else you'd like to live."

As he led us back to the clubhouse, I pointed to the great big black-and-white tower in the distance. "Hey Mike, what's that?"

"Huh? Oh, the Monochrome Tower. It's been here as long as anyone remembers. So is the Icy Cavern over to the right. Don't know what they're for." He shrugged. "Just scenery, I guess."

We climbed up the ladder to the tree house and rested back on our blankets. Clearly, we would need to rest up more before we could stay out there even longer. At least the weather was a lot better. Very little snow, and already, the bare tree branches were starting to sprout small buds.


Over the next few days, we got acquainted with the various buildings and Pokémon inside them. Though there were a lot of new Pokémon to meet, we began to learn all their names. Chrys the Leavanny was awesome, and so was Missy the Blissey. There was a road to a place called Tao Ranch where all the food was made. Iceburg the Meganium, Puzelle the Cumbusken, and Reuben the Flygon were all so awesome that we wanted to volunteer to help them all out. Thankfully, after much deliberation, they accepted us.

We even found a new spot to rebuild our Pecha Berry House to remind us of home. This time, Iceburg helped provide us with spare Pecha Berries as thanks for our help, and we could fix all the design flaws that we encountered in the first house.

And all the while, we thought hard. Joining one of the guilds seemed to be a really big deal around here. It was hard to meet Pokémon that weren't part of one, and they vouched for all three guilds equally strongly (though I was still somewhat uncomfortable with the Rogues).

Some of the teams let us tag along with their missions so we could see what it was like to be them, as each of the guilds had different missions. We came to the conclusion that though the Rescuers did noble work, their missions were much more dangerous. We had to watch as the Rescuer teams dealt with dangerous Pokémon to get items back or rescue innocents, and sometimes even got into the thick of things. Sure, we might've done stuff somewhat similar to their back in Treasure Town, but ever since that devastating meteor crash, something inside us changed. The thrill of doing them was already starting to wear off.

Meanwhile, the Merchants did stuff like cleaning up graffiti from walls and arranging boxes in Auntie Kanga's storage. Personally, I found these to be more my cup of tea, and even Chikorita thought so too. There were also escort missions, but we figured we could ignore those. And even if we couldn't, at least we didn't actually have to fight anyone.

We didn't even bother tagging along with any Rogue teams. All they did was steal stuff from either Hydreigon, Persian, or Snorlax. Definitely none of those.

As for Master Foo, we didn't even listen to him until he told us that he could help us learn new moves. I made it clear to him that we didn't want to evolve at all, though, but he laughed and said we didn't even have to. Relieved, I asked him to teach me Flamethrower, and after an application of a familiar TM disc, a hot spicy sensation just came out of my mouth. I learned it!

Finally, the day came when we finished building our new Pecha Berry House and could move out of the Rescuers' clubhouse. In that time, many more new Pokémon teams had joined all three guilds, but it looked like the Rescuers had by far the most new recruits. I guessed that doing the right thing just sounded so appealing, and not only that, they didn't mind the danger. I marveled at their bravery.

"See you guys later, Amy and Chikorita! I'm glad I got to show you around." Mike waved goodbye to us from the base of the treehouse. "And remember, your decision is your own. Don't let anyone bully you into making the wrong choice."

That night, the warm spring air flowed through the windows of our new house. The trees outside were already almost in full bloom, and pollen from bright pink flowers spread through the air. I could tell that Chikorita was already starting to like it.

"Hey, Chikorita?"

"Yeah, Amy?"

"You've been thinking about which guild to join, haven't you?"

She sighed. "I mean, it doesn't look like we have a choice, do we? We can't go back to Treasure Town because it's gone, and besides, no one knows how to get there from here."

I nodded. "I've been…thinking…about the Merchants. Since I'm sick of risking my life all the time. I mean, it was all for good causes back then, but now? I don't know…"

Chikorita gasped and perked up her head. "You, too? I mean…" She slumped her head again. "You know, the day I met you…I stuck with you because you made me braver, remember? Without you, I would've never joined Wigglytuff's guild, even though I really wanted to. And together, we did stuff like saving the world two times. It was all because of you…" She sighed again.

"Wait…are you saying…it's wrong that I'm starting to become like the way you were?" I asked, extremely worried.

"No! No…I was a coward. You're just…making the right decision for you. For us. The fact that you want us to join a guild is better than I ever was. I mean, I would've been too scared to even join any of them if it weren't for you!" She laughed. "But seriously…if I never met you…I might've been dead from that meteor, too."

"If the world wasn't paralyzed or plunged into darkness first," I added.

"Right!" she conceded. "So…Merchants, then?"

I took a deep breath. "Merchants it is."

I felt like I wanted to apologize to Mike and Chill for not becoming Rescuers like them. We honestly might have become Rescuers if we hadn't gone through so many life-or-death situations before. After all, they were the ones who saved us and brought us here. Not only that, they introduced us to the town and helped us learn how things worked here. But like they said, we had to make this decision on our own, and not let anyone, not even Mike, lead us into making the wrong choice.

But someday…I promised that I would someday make it up to them.


We marched to the big tent with a Kecleon head-shaped top, determined to settle this guild question once and for all.

In the back of the busy room sat a purple Kecleon and a Breloom with a monocle over his right eye. PK and Shroomsworth, the leader of the Merchants' guild. We had already heard much about them from the Merchant teams. We approached them.

PK was sprawled over the desk, looking bored, but then she perked up as we approached. She narrowed her eyes, analyzing us in a somewhat knowing way. Sure, she must have known us from our occasional visits to her stand to buy berries and stuff. But why…did it feel like she actually knew way more about us that we did about her? Her gaze unnerved me.

"Oh, hey. Whaddya want?" she droned.

"MADAM! That is not the proper way we greet guests." Shroomsworth yelled at PK. Then he turned to us, straightened up, and said, "Greetings, children. How may we help you?"

I took a deep breath and stepped forward. "Miss PK…Mr. Shroomsworth…we're here to join you as a new Merchant team."

Shroomsworth smiled. "I say, excellent choice! Now why don't you fill out the paperwork and hand it to—"

"Well why didn't you say so?" PK used her tongue to grab a sheet of yellowed paper and thrust in right in front of our faces. Ugh…

Shroomsworth huffed in disapproval. "Restrain yourself, madam. Be a little more civilized next time, now."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Bring it to us when you're done, okay, kids?"

"Yes, Miss PK!" said Chikorita.

We walked to a table and set down the official application form. The good news was that only the back was covered in PK's drool. The bad news was…that it was rather hard for me to read. I could make out letters, maybe even a few words, but other than that, I couldn't read it perfectly.

"Here, I'll tell you what it says…" said Chikorita.

For the next hour, Chikorita helped fill in the application, while I drew the pictures of us in the corresponding boxes using the pastels conveniently located in the middle of the table. According to the big fat rulebook that was also in the center, only first forms were allowed, and we could only start with one basic accessory each. That meant that it was a very good thing neither of us had evolved, and that the Red Bow tied to my back was acceptable.

Finally, we had to think of a team name, but that was the easiest part for us. We would keep the name we had as an Exploration Team when we were in Master Wigglytuff's guild. Team Pecha. I first thought of it when I picked up a Pecha Berry in Beach Cave, and didn't know what it was called. I thought it looked like our colors, and so, with Master Wigglytuff's help, decided to go with that team name. It was so memorable that I didn't want to change it, ever.

When we finished, we marched to Miss PK and Mr. Shroomsworth at their table.

"We did it!" As I balanced on Chikorita's head to get a better view of them, I slid the application in front of them. They examined it and smiled. Everything was acceptable.

"Aaaah. Amy the Jigglypuff and Chikorita of Team Pecha. Fascinating names. Now, I have to ask you this…" PK started. "Are you absolutely sure that you want to join us? Once you decide, there's no turning back."

But that moment, there was no more doubt in my mind. Chikorita and I weren't going to risk our lives unnecessarily anymore. In fact, I could be a better friend to Chikorita now that I feel this way, just like her. We weren't going to get ourselves involved with this feud between the Rescuers and the Rouges. We wanted to be friends with everyone here as best as we could, and make as few enemies as possible. As it stood, this was not only the most logical choice for us, but the only choice we had, and the choice that we knew in our hearts was the best.

We straightened up and saluted at the same time. "Yes, ma'am!"

:bulletpink::bulletpink::bulletpink: And so, Team Pecha officially became a Merchant team on April 25, 2011. :bulletpink::bulletpink::bulletpink:
:star: Titles in this series: :star:

:bulletpink: 1. You're here!
:bulletgreen: 2. Team Elgyem's Origins
:bulletpurple: 3. Team Nighty Knights' Origins

:bulletpink::bulletpink::bulletpink: Team Pecha, the Merchants: :bulletpink::bulletpink::bulletpink:
Team Pecha's Written App Writing Application Sheet

Team Name: Team Pecha

Guild Leaders:  ___Rogues   _X_Merchants   ___Rescuers

Leader Information
Name and Species: Amy the Jigglypuff (10 years old)

Nature: Naïve (Likes to run)

Gender: Female

Strengths: Loyal to her friends, honest, and creative, both in drawing and in battle. Hates any and all pranks and will do whatever it takes to stop them, despite the consequences. Rather serious, but also enjoys Pecha Berries, creating things, surfing, song-and-dance routines, and swinging on vines like Tarzan. Her physical stamina is excellent; she can run up to five miles wi

You've seen the somewhat abridged, for the first time, read the FULL version of everything that happened on how Team Pecha became a Merchant team! Enjoy! Written in 1st person perspective from Amy the Jigglypuff's point of view. (If I had to decide which month the first paragraph represented, I'd probably say November.) This story takes place immediately after my adaptation of the PMD Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky games for the DS, Echoes of Time.

Summary: One night, Amy and Chikorita receive a strange dream in which Kyurem tells them that a meteor is about to hit Treasure Town, and as it turns out, it's coming true! They try to destroy it, but they are too late; it crashes into the town and destroys all the buildings. All of their friends have disappeared without a trace. Without a home, and emotionally devastated, the two of them make their way through the winter snowstorm. Finding no town for weeks or even months, they collapse. They wake up to find themselves in a new place called Tao Village, which they learn has customs very different from Treasure Town, and unable to make their way back, they decide to settle in the village, and eventually make an extremely important choice about which guild to join.

:bulletblack: Treasure Town and Wigglytuff's Guild were originally from the DS games Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky.
:bulletblack: PK, Shroomsworth, Mike, and Chill all belong to #PMD-Explorers.
:bulletblack: Team Pecha was made by me.
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Werepuppy26's avatar
Question; if you are 19 years old... why would you make you character 10?