Team Pecha's Mission 6 - Page 1Galactic-Rainbow on DeviantArt

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Team Pecha's Mission 6 - Page 1



:bulletpink: Previous MISSION: [link]
:bulletpink: Next page: [link]

:bulletpink: Total number of pages: 40

My entry for #PMD-Explorers’ Mission 6: [link]

-Find Malt, estimate damages alongside him
-Clean the village
-Assist the construction workers in the fixing and building of structures

…Except that most of this comic will focus on how Darren the Golurk joins the team, as Team Pecha already meets the requirements below:

If you have finished FOUR Missions, you may recruit a Pokemon of any type from the wild, and that Pokemon may have evolved once.

:star: Team Pecha’s application: :star:

:bulletpink: Rank: Raichu
:bulletpink: Guild: Merchants


IT HAS BEGUN! I'm super-excited to get this story started because I've been thinking about this kind of introduction for Darren the Golurk in the even that I would ever be able to add him, and I was thrilled when I found that i could keep many of the ideas for that story intact. For this mission, I'm experimenting with the basic manga page size of 5.5" by 7.5" inches so I can get used to what sizes I'll have to work at for a printed manga in the future.

Honestly, though, the real mission won't start until Page 21. It might seem like this should be in the "Miscellaneous Adventures" folder. However, because doing the main mission will be integral in order to convince Amy to accept Darren into the team, I decided that this whole thing could count as a mission.

Look forward to the upcoming developments! To top things off, I'm going to be doing THREE comics for Mission 6. Check my journal out here for details: [link]
I've definitely got my work cut out for me, that's for sure!

The only cameos in this story:

:bulletgreen: My Team Elgyem, the Lone Rescuer.
:bulletpurple: My Team Nighty Knights, the Rogues.

:star: Story summary: From the aftermath of the devastating events of Mission 5's epilogue, Amy feels betrayed. Despite the fact that the sun is finally out and she gets to live in an alien spaceship instead of crazy Merlot's castle, blessings that Chikorita fully appreciates, Kyurem's betrayal and permanent goodbye feels like a cruel joke, mocking her of a previous, equally devastating loss. As she considers leaving Tao World permanently to go back to her old home with Chikorita, an odd giant flying robot ghost lands in front of her and suddenly declares that she's his new master! He says that he's supposed to follow all her orders, but doesn't listen when she tells him to stop calling her "Master Amy" or to "leave us alone". Concluding that he must prove his worth to them in order to join their team and fulfill his directive, he volunteers to help them rebuild Tao Village. Will he gain Amy's acceptance? Will Amy ever forgive Kyurem? And just who IS this robot guy, anyway?

:bulletblue: Devonshire the Sableye is an NPC belonging to #PMD-Explorers.
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DynamicHeather's avatar
"I have no idea" and "Me has no idea are so similar :3