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Summary: Having arrived in Tao Village and decided to become a Merchant team, Amy and Chikorita decide to take it easy by performing two basic task missions; Run PK's shop stand, and scrub Scrafty Gang graffiti off of Master Foo's dojo. Despite some difficulties with PK's stand, they decide that the Merchant's guild really is the best guild for them, and decide to stay there.

Collaboration with my Team Elgyem, my Team Nighty Knights, Team Latitude, The Epic One, Team Fireheart, Los Banditos, and Team Plum.

Summary: Amy and Chikorita, with their new friends Ligray and Rigley, attend the Guild Appreciation Day party in the Spinda Cafe. As they show their song-and-dance skills to everyone in the cafe on stage, Team Nighty Knights and Team Latitude start a food fight. Luckily, Amy and Chikorita don't get hit at all.

Collaboration with my Team Elgyem.

Summary: After seeing Amy and Chikorita deliver PK's cakes, Shroomsworth suggests that they could try out their first real challenging mission; to deliver a bunch of Grass-type eggs to Sapling Village. Unfortunately, they're forced to choose between going through either Castle Draclugia or the Creeping Forest, and to make matters worse, they have friends in both guilds who want to go with them. In the end, Team Elgyem has more money to convince Shroomsworth to go with them, and as such, they go through Castle Draclugia. Ligray, Rigley, and Mike help rescue the prisoners, and everything seems fine, until the guards spot them and Lady Merlot blocks them from leaving! Though she's extremely powerful and scary, Amy manages to summon enough courage to protect the eggs, combine her powers with her friends', and smash Merlot through the wall, causing the castle to crumble on her. They get to Sapling Village safely to cheers and partying, unaware of the second reason that Shroomsworth came to the village for...

Collaboration with my Team Elgyem and my Team Nighty Knights.

Summary: Devonshire has requested that Team Nighty Knights recruit Team Pecha's help to retrieve Master Zhu's dropped fireworks in the Creeping Forest as a way to compensate for losing out on their help in Mission 2. But when Team Elgyem helps out, Team Pecha is thrilled that all their friends can join them on the same mission. The task seems simple enough until a pair of mysterious Beheeyems, O-Bem and O-Beema, attack them all of a sudden. The battle is fierce, but with Bisharp's help, the Beheeyems are defeated and the fireworks are saved. Bisharp then uses the Evolution Scroll he attains in order to finally evolve into a real Bisharp, and Team Latitude suggests to Amy and Chikorita to search for something they feel passionate about working towards.

Summary: One morning, Team Pecha is rudely interrupted by PK and Shroomsworth, who decide that, as punishment for working with two non-Merchant teams in Event 2 for free, they should be forced to help PK awaken some sort of dragon from the Gray Stone that she has. Thankfully for them, PK has sent for many, many other teams to help them out. Amy isn't thrilled about plodding through the Icy Cavern, though, so she suggests that they build a sled...out of Pecha Berries and wood. With it, they are able to race against the other two guilds. Things get crazy when Coliche, and later, Degue and Estoc give chase, but thanks to Amy, they make it though the Icy Cavern's deadly maze in one piece. They reach the altar, which is where the Gray Stone is supposed to go, and...

Collaboration with my Team Elgyem and my Team Nighty Knights.

Summary: ...The Merchants get to their altar first, and Kyurem is awakened. Amy and Chikorita are terrified, but luckily for them, Kyurem assists them in flying them home. The next morning, though, the entire village is covered in snow, and to make matters worse, they've become deathly ill! Team Elgyem and Team Nighty Knights help get them to Dr. Quaak's tent, where they proceed to help make medicine while their friends collect more ingredients. Unfortunately, there are people who are angry that the Merchants had won, and they take out their collective anger on Amy and Chikorita. Kyurem shows up in time to save them, and they remember how he was the one who appeared in their dreams one night to warn them that their old town was going to be hit by a meteor. They tried to defend the town, but they failed, and were left as the only survivors. But now that everyone is starting to hate them, what should they do? PK shows up just in time to tell them that despite what others say, their lives DO have meaning, and that Tao Village needs them more than ever.

Summary of Part 1: With newfound courage, they deliver the completed medicine to everyone who needs it, despite the danger from the few people who still hate them. And it looks like Kyurem is here to stay, but every so often, he speaks in total gibberish! Since Team Pecha is a veteran team, PK allows them to go to Sapling Village to get a book on Kyurem's language. It's too cold to walk, so they take Barty's for the first time...which proves to be disastrous. They crash-land into Rhodes, who leads them through Creeping Forest, where they try and convince other Sneasels to join the no avail. When they finally arrive at Sapling Village's library, they find that the door is permanently locked!
Summary of Part 2: They plead with Arianna for three days, but it doesn't work. On the third day, Arianna uses her Thistle Whistle to create a giant thorny barrier around the village. PK arrives and plans a break-in, determined to make Arianna see sense. Elder Shroom cautions Chikorita not to go, as the whistle can control Grass-types like her. She doesn't like it, but has to let Amy go alone (with like three other teams and PK, but they go off to confront Arianna instead). Amy manages to find the book, but Arianna's security system captures her, and Arianna herself is more than willing to deliver punishment. Finally, her friend Louise can't take it anymore and stops her. Amy offers to make some her team's famous Pecha Berry Juice, and convinces Arianna to lower the thorns by saying that she can go to Tao at any time to have some if she does.

Collaboration with my Team Elgyem, my Team Nighty Knights, Team Star Ground, The Rejeckts, Team Wooden Grove, Team Starstruck, Team Handy, Team Darastrix, Team Gravity, Team AuraShock, and Team Risen Rage.

Summary: Sorbet the Kyurem announces that his birthday is coming up in 12 days! To celebrate, everyone should give at least someone a gift. Team Pecha and friends help out, but though lots of people give them gifts, they have no idea how to repay them. On the final day, when they're scheduled to perform a song-and-dance routine at the Spinda Cafe, they get the idea to serve everyone their famous Pecha Berry Juice in the most spectacular way imaginable.

Collaboration with my Team Elgyem.
Summary: Ligray has been O-Bem and O-Beema! Rigley and Team Pecha give chase to the Elgyem's original home of Planet Paion. But there, their lives are jeopardized, Team Elgyem gets their real memories back, and they uncover an invasion plot by O-Bem and O-Beema that they have to stop before it is too late.

A mostly one-sided collab with Team Irish Spring.
Summary: One day, without warning, Team Pecha is knocked out in their base. When they wake up with accessories they've never seen before, they realize that someone out there is trying to imitate them! They catch up to find the impostors, Team Irish Spring, badly trying to perform a song-and-dance routine, and together, they set the record straight for everyone.

Collaboration with Team Elgyem, my Team Nighty Knights, Team Amber, Team HailFire, Team StarWing, Team Silent Sol, Team Nocturne, Team Fireheart, and The Hope Knights.

Summary: In the middle of the night, Sorbet the Kyurem suddenly goes nuts and destroys Team Pecha's base, forcing them to flee in confusion in terror. They try to make it to the escape tunnels in the Law Firm, but Kyurem chomps on Amy and separates her from Chikorita, forcing her to help some teams distract him from attacking the village and lead him to Creeping Forest.. Meanwhile, Chikorita learns that even the tunnels aren't safe, as a crazy Heatran is blocking the way. With the other team's help, Chikorita eventually uses her Grasswhistle to put the Heatran to sleep, and Amy stalls Kyurem in a Hyper Voice war long enough for him to be temporarily frozen under the waterfall in the forest. With Bisharp's help, Amy makes it to the tunnels to be reunited with Chikorita, and they all follow Devonshire, all the while unaware of what's at the end.
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