Rallen and Jody - Page 60 ENDGalactic-Rainbow on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/galactic-rainbow/art/Rallen-and-Jody-Page-60-END-425024004Galactic-Rainbow

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Rallen and Jody - Page 60 END




Color = After the group ended after Mission 8.

:star: Title Page and Team Applications: :star: 

Rallen and Jody - Cover Page by Amy-the-Jigglypuff Team Pecha's Application Form 2.0 ::RETIRED:: by Amy-the-Jigglypuff Team Paion's Application Form 2.0 ::RETIRED:: by Amy-the-Jigglypuff Team Nighty Knights' App 2.0 ::RETIRED:: by Amy-the-Jigglypuff

Page 60 of 60. At last, Rallen and Jody AND all three of my team's stories have officially come to an end. I had a hard time deciding whether the end date should be January 5, 2014 (today), or when the group officially ended since I was in it the whole time...in the end, I chose the latter, but if you guys think the former would make more sense, let me know.

Wow. ...It's all over. I guess I should have expected as much since I was the kind of person who could complete epic comics for PMD-E on a regular basis, but this comic was especially challenging because not only was it 60 super long pages (where one page could be 3-4 manga sized ones stacked on top of each other, therefore making the story 180-240 pages if this was in book format), but that I was forced to work on it between missions. And even after I quit PMD-E, it took me a while to get back to it because PoA was too awesome and it took a while for me to convince myself that I couldn't just leave an epic story like this hanging for everyone. At long last, those story ideas from two summers ago haven't gone to waste.

I guess if I've learned anything, it was how to draw black-and-white manga-style comics and use screentone effectively, as well as the value of doing all the pencilling at once before the inking. Helps keep things very consistent, and sped me up so that I could make the last 25 pages way faster than ever before.

Thank you, everyone, for all of your support, for coming along for the ride, and for sticking through to the very end! :D

Now there's only one more story I have to draw pictures for and publish before my work from two summers ago is complete: In the Shadow of the Empress! And in case you wanted a convenient link to its beginning...

The History of Planet Paion by Amy-the-Jigglypuff

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© 2014 - 2025 Galactic-Rainbow
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Arcegea's avatar
Good story, I liked it a lot !