
PMD-E In-Depth Bio: Chikorita

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Name and Species: Chikorita

Chikorita by CreepyJellyfish

Other Names: Heather the Chikorita (the pen name she uses when writing books), Inferior Being (by O-Bem the Beheeyem and O-Beema the Beheeyem)
Relatives: Venus the Meganium (mother), George the Tangrowth (father), Kale the Bayleef (older brother), Chard the Chikorita (older brother)
Current Moveset:
:bulletpink: Ancientpower
:bulletpink: Grasswhistle
:bulletpink: Magical Leaf
:bulletpink: Vine Whip

:star: History: :star:

Chikorita hatched on the beach next to Treasure Town, far, far away from her family's original homeland of Tao World. She had to learn everything on her own, was often bullied, and was never secure enough to make many friends, if at all. She did discover a secret cove in the cliff known as Sharpedo Bluff, and used it as her own personal hideaway. This was the only thing she was ever proud of accomplishing for a while.

One day, a mysterious rock that later became known as the Relic Fragment washed ashore, and she found it. The sight of it ignited a desire in her to explore faraway places in order to find out its true meaning. But she could never work up the courage to join the Wigglytuff Guild and form an Exploration Team. Not that it would have mattered; they only let strangers in if there's someone with them. The one time she attempted to explore on her own to find out about the Relic Fragment, she was very badly injured by a bunch of Golbat, and barely made it out alive.

Her first dream was to find out what the Relic Fragment meant. Her second dream, as she was very lonely, was to find a friend that would never leave her, no matter what. But she was about to give up on both of these dreams…until the day she met Amy, a Jigglypuff who washed upon the beach, unconscious.

Though Amy had lost her memories, she had no choice but to trust Chikorita, and luckily for the both of them, it was the right choice. Chikorita felt that this was the first time she had ever met someone as nice as her, and they quickly became fast friends. When some bullies from the town stole Chikorita's Relic Fragment, they gave chase, and together, defeated the bullies. This was the first time Chikorita had ever managed to defend herself properly, and resolved from then on to follow Amy no matter what. They then formed an Exploration Team at Wigglytuff's guild, as Team Pecha, based on the berries that Amy discovered that she liked so much.

Their adventures then parallel the PMD: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky games almost to the letter, as they discover a plot to steal the time gears, try and stop Grovyle, meet Dusknoir, get betrayed, get dragged to the dark future, learn the truth, go back, convince everyone of the truth, go to the Hidden Land, learn the secret of the Relic Fragment, get ambushed by Dusknoir, lose Grovyle, save the world, and Amy, too, disappears into the vast recesses of time. Chikorita was extremely saddened, but luckily, because of her and Amy's deep and mutual friendship, Dialga brought her back. They then graduate from the guild, discover Darkrai's evil plot, learn why Amy was turned into a Jigglypuff, and stop him once and for all. Unfortunately, since the Gate of Time had already been used twice, Grovyle could never go back to the past to be with Amy and Chikorita. Chikorita was able to recover from this since she didn't know Grovyle that well, but she only knew too well how much it affected Amy.

She and Amy probably would have lived in Treasure Town for the rest of their lives if it weren't for a certain catastrophic event. The night before, Kyurem from Tao World appeared in their dreams to warn them of an approaching meteor, and sure enough, it came. Everyone at the Wigglytuff guild was confident that Amy and Chikorita can save them all, though. Unfortunately, they destroyed it too late, and the entire village was smashed. No one was anywhere to be found.

They had no choice but to search for another town to live in, but winter came early, and powerful snowstorms obscured their vision and any hope of them finding any new place to live. Without knowing it, they ended up crossing a patch of frozen ocean water into a completely new continent. They walked for weeks until finally, the cold made them faint. If it weren't for the rescuing efforts of then-Rescuer leaders Chill the Mincinno and Mike the Charmander, they would have died right there. It is said that this incident was the primary reason why Chikorita developed a strong dislike of cold weather.

With no way to get back to Treasure Town, nor the knowledge of how to do so, Amy and Chikorita decided to stay in Tao Village. After much deliberation, they decided that they've had enough unnecessary danger for a lifetime, and chose to join the Merchants' Guild.

After completing several missions, an odd Golurk asked to join their team, and upon seeing a beautiful sunrise, his memories came back. He revealed to them that he was Amy's old friend Grovyle, and told them the story on how he became this way. They agreed to let him join the team and renamed him Darren since he was no longer a Grovyle anymore.

Unfortunately, due to the unexpected outcome of Event 6.2, Chikorita had become teleported to Prismatic Jungle 200 years in the past. She witnessed Tivoli the Tyranitar throw the ancient statue of the Goddess Loire into a river, and panicked, running away, only to realize that she was stuck in the middle of an island and get captured by a 14-year-old Servine named Chai. He was originally going to use her to bargain his way off the island, but Chikorita pleaded with him not to, and she ended up telling him about her life and how much she missed Amy. Intrigued by how different her life was from his, Chai decided to let her go and instead use her as an accomplice in his plan to get off the island. After much struggle, difficulties, and strike, they managed to get in the Temple of the Divine Flame, defeat Tivoli, and escape via Archeops, flying all the way to Monochrome Tower of the past.

Now, Chikorita is stuck in Tao Village 100 years in the past, but luckily, was rescued by Amy and Darren and taken to the present. Due to the recent drying up of work at the Merchants' guild, the three of them have recently accepted a job on Planet Paion, where they will live for the rest of their lives.

:star: Current Personality: :star:

Chikorita is the shy, quiet, extremely polite one of the team, and as one with an introverted personality, it's very hard for her to make friends beyond Amy and Darren. Amy was the primary reason why she was able to become friends with Ligray, Rigley, Ralts, Bisharp, and Lipless in the first place. But she makes up for this in her observational skills, which are razor-sharp. Just by looking at someone's face, she can think of several sentences to describe them as if she was writing a novel. And by observing the way they behave, she can quickly tell as to whether that person is trustworthy or not. She's had more than her fair share of untrustworthy people bullying her in the past, after all.

Like Amy, she freaks out a lot. But she's also very insecure, and if Amy's out of her sight for too long, she becomes restless and fidgety, worried that some mean person is going to take the opportunity to hurt her. Amy's been trying to help her out with this, and the longer she stays and works in Tao Village, the more confident she becomes, but she still prefers it if Amy isn't out of her sight for too long. With Darren on the team, though, she's gotten even better at this. Now as long as either Darren or Amy is around, she feels safe and secure. If there's anything that would make her feel better for sure, it's when she hugs Amy. In the same way, whenever Amy is extremely upset, the only one who can make her feel better is Chikorita.

She's sensitive to pain like Amy, and is easily offended by mean people, even her own brothers. The main reason she'd rather be with Amy instead of her family was to get away from their teasing.

She doesn't want to be a burden to Amy, though, and in order to prove herself useful so that Amy would appreciate her company even more, she has taken up lots of activities. She can raise almost any plant, she can cook a plethora of dishes, she can read words that are hard for Amy to read, and she can play her Grasswhistle as musical accompaniment to Amy's songs. Her greatest joy, though, is when she writes her feelings down on paper, describing them in such detail as even Amy can understand them. Upon discovering this, it became her life's mission to become a famous author.

It is said that the reason the Relic Fragment washed ashore in front of her is because she is one of the very few Pokémon in the world with a "pure heart." As of now, she has interpreted this to mean that, though her introverted, innocent, and passive personality makes her an easy target for bullies, it also means that she is very kind and can forgive anyone no matter what if she really tried. Not only that, but this attitude holds the key to the Pokémon species as a whole advancing on a moral level. But of course, the best way to do that would be to write novels inspiring people to do so.

She's also just as innocent as Amy—so much so that she thought that just because she found her family meant that she has to stay with them and leave Amy. Luckily, it wasn't too much of a challenge for her to accept the truth that she always has a choice in the matter. Choices aren't something she's really used to since she tends to let Amy make all the important decisions for the team, but she's finding that being able to make such choices on her own is really empowering.

She isn't nearly as much of a sci-fi fanatic as Amy, and she is often the one who keeps Amy's flights of fancy grounded in reality. Amy might have the imaginative story ideas, but Chikorita's the one who's able to write them in a way that makes them seem realistic and relatable to the people of Tao Village. She also senses that Rigley has been dragging Amy away more and more lately, though, and is becoming slightly jealous. However, Amy's successes have inspired her to try to become more confident and being her own person, and with Darren's help, she's sure that one day, she'll be able to let Amy pursue her own happiness the way she wants.

Once upon a time, she thought that if she were to evolve all the way into a Meganium, she would become strong enough to stand up for herself. However, she learned from Amy that even if she doesn't evolve, she can still become strong. She admires that ideal, and wants to make Amy proud by proving her right. Also, don't mention this to her, but she's worried that the huge weight gain she'll have by evolving will make her more likely to accidentally crush poor Amy, as well as make her look…well…fat.

As of Mission 7, though, she finally has gotten the strength to stand up for herself without Amy or Darren's help. Though she hopes to see them again soon, her heart is no longer paralyzed by dread or fear at the thought of them not being there for her. Instead, she feels a sense of responsibility for Chai (despite the fact that he's three years older than her), and wants to help him through this time of great astonishing change for him.

:star: Hobbies and Skills: :star:

:bulletpink: Reading. Chikorita is an avid reader, and loves reading novels of all genres. Ever since Mission 4, she frequently visits the library of Arianna the Roserade in Sapling Village and sits in the lobby, reading whatever interests her.

:bulletpink: Writing. Reading all those amazing books has inspired her to want to write stories of her own. In particular, she wants everyone to learn everything she has learned from being with Amy, and hopes to someday write novels about all their adventures together. She's even started to take up poetry! As of right now, she can only write simple limericks, but she's hopes to move on to more advanced poems soon.

:bulletpink: Sunbathing. As a Grass-type, of course, she gets a lot of energy via absorbing the sun's rays. She prefers to sleep in places where the morning sun can easily hit her leaf as soon as it rises. Since she hasn't been able to do so between Missions 3 to 6, she's been relaxing in broad daylight a lot more than usual when not helping Amy with guild work.

:bulletpink: Playing the Grasswhistle. Hearing Amy's beautiful voice (since Amy doesn't actually know Sing as an attack anymore, Chikorita doesn't fall asleep) has inspired Chikorita to want to try and learn music too. To her delight, she learned that she could play music via the great big leaf on her head. She often uses it to provide musical accompaniment to Amy's song-and-dance routines for her major performances. She can also dance a little, but due to the complications of dancing with four legs, really can't do much. Today, she often takes Grasswhistling lessons from Arianna the Roserade, learning new and complex tunes.

:bulletpink: Swinging through forests/jungles/etc., Tarzan-style. It might look like Chikorita would have a tough time with this, but looks are very deceiving. Her low center of gravity allows her to maneuver expertly through the forests/jungles, and her Vine Whips allow her to move around even more expertly, without the need for the forest/jungles' vines in the first place. She helps prevent Amy from crashing into any tree trunks, too.

:bulletpink: Water activities. As a Grass-type, Chikorita of course is more than able to splash around in shallow water and relax in hot springs. She's not quite as good at Amy at swimming, and has to work a lot harder to keep herself afloat, but she's working on it. She still prefers to grasp onto the insanely-buoyant Amy with Vine Whip to keep herself from drowning, just in case.

:bulletpink: Growing plants in general. Chikorita is an expert at planting and caring for not just Pecha Berries, but any and all kinds of plants. Even plants that she doesn't know the names for! She's been getting tips from her mom in order to learn the names of the more obscure plants and to care for them, too. She can even plant them in a way that will make them look beautiful when they bloom.

:bulletpink: Cooking. Chikorita takes pride in being able to cook food by herself. Much of it is self-taught, but she's been learning tips from others in the village, including Rallen the Beheeyem, for the more complicated dishes. But overall, she's only mastered very simple dishes with simple flavors, which both she and Amy can eat. Amy is also learning from Chikorita, though she overwhelmingly prefers the sweet dishes.

:bulletpink: Fashion consultant. In terms of fashion, she used to be just as much of a dunce as Amy, but ever since they arrived in Tao Village and checked out the Tailor shop, something changed. Seeing Chrys the Leavanny skillfully make accessories out of mere leaves had ignited a passion for fashion in her that hasn't faded away. Well, it's not really that strong. She still can't compare to the fashion sensibilities of such people as Gnasher the Banette or Psyme the Beheeyem, but of all my characters, she's definitely the closest. Whenever she can, she tries to give fashion advice to new teams who want tips on how to make their ribbons, bow ties, or scarves look good on themselves.

:star: Life goals: :star:

She wants more than anything else to live in peace, to have fun with her friends, to not get killed horribly and painfully, to not have everyone hate her and chase her out of town, to open a bookstore with Amy in the future, to make Miss PK proud of her, to become a famous author, and above all else, help Amy and herself find their own happiness.

:star: Trivia: :star:

:bulletpink: Chikorita became my second favorite Pokémon and most favorite Starter Pokémon upon seeing the in-game art that was created for it in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red/Blue Rescue Team games. It was the first time I saw that they could be depicted in such an adorable way. Ever since then, I decided that if I were to ever form a team, Chikorita would always be the partner.

:bulletpink: Out of all my characters, Chikorita's personality (and history!) shares the most similarities with Amy.

:bulletpink: Her head is unusually large compared to her body, and her neck has shrunk by a lot compared to normal Chikoritas. The first was an accident; a result of my unconscious tendency to make characters as cute as I want them to be, and the second was a conscious effort to make her cuter, as well as a way to make the scarf around her neck fit more snugly. It could also be seen as a side effect of her wearing a scarf AND a messenger bag strap around her neck for so long.

:bulletpink: In this universe, it's really hard to imagine Amy without Chikorita, and almost impossible to imagine Chikorita without Amy. That's how good friends they are. Even if Amy and Rigley get together in the end, Chikorita and Darren will always be there for them.

And now for Chikorita's bio! I think that by doing these, I'm able to help get inside my characters' heads better and develop them further. In particular, I was able to apply my own life experience to Chikorita here by explaining her difficulty of making new friends a result of her introverted personality, and that for the friends she does have, she cares for very deeply.

:star: Team Pecha's Application Form 2.0 :star:

More in-depth bios in this series:

Team Pecha, the Merchants:
:bulletpink: Amy the Jigglypuff
:bulletpink: (You're here!)
:bulletblue: Darren the Golurk
:bulletblue: Chai the Servine

Team Paion, the Rescuers:
:bulletgreen: Rigley the Elgyem
:bulletgreen: Psyme the SHINY Beheeyem
:bulletgreen: Blune the Beheeyem
:bulletgreen: Ligray the Elgyem

Team Nighty Knights, the Rogues:
:bulletpurple: Joe the Bisharp
:bulletpurple: Ellie the Gardevoir
:bulletpurple: Lipless the Gothitelle
:bulletpurple: Elena the Flygon

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spud133's avatar
Hey would it be cool if I use your Bio format for my PMD guys?