Species: Jigglypuff

Other Names: Master Amy (by Darren the Golurk), Inferior Being (by Dusknoir, O-Bem the Beheeyem, and O-Beema the Beheeyem)
Relatives: Currently none living.
Current Moveset:

(This is the story that Amy tells to people whom she just met and/or doesn't know very well.)
Amy was the only child of Roy the Clefable and Jean the Wigglytuff. The Clefable tribe (who lived on the moon) and the Wigglytuff tribe (who lived in a mountain range) were always fighting over who was more awesome, and when Roy and Jean met and fell in love, they were kicked out of their tribes as punishment. For their own survival, they were forced to take refuge with the Meganium tribe, where they met Chikorita.
At the time, Chikorita wanted to get away from her big brothers teasing her over the fact that her parents were never able to think of a nickname for her (mostly because the gender ratio of Chikoritas is so skewed towards boys that parents hardly ever take the time to think of good names for girls). When she found out that that Roy and Jean were going to have a child, and that the gender ratio for their species was mostly skewed towards girls, Chikorita was excited. She always wanted a little sister of her own, even if it wasn't the same species as her, and when the little Igglybuff hatched, the three of them were happier than ever.
Roy and Jean decided to name their daughter Amy because of its meaning, "beloved", and how she was beloved by them all. Especially Chikorita. Every day, Chikorita would follow Amy around wherever she went, and the two of them became best friends.
One day, while gathering the Pecha Berries they loved so much, little Amy and Chikorita fell into a hole in the ground. In order to get out, they had to face many dangers. They were almost killed and eaten by the Skarmory that guarded the exit, but thanks to her high friendship with Chikorita, Amy evolved into a Jigglypuff, and defeated the Skarmory with a well-timed Defense Curl/Rollout combo. They returned to Amy's parents safe and sound, thankful to be alive.
That night, when Amy and Chikorita expressed their hope that they would never have to go through something so horrifying again, Roy and Jean decided to be honest and explained that there are many, many more horrifying things in the world like that. But if the two of them truly wished to live in a place where people don't kill and eat each other, they should try and move to a place called Tao Village, one of the few civilized places in the whole world. Since Amy had successfully evolved into a Jigglypuff, she was capable of living on her own if she wanted to, though it was recommended that she bring Chikorita along. After several nights of thinking it over, Amy and Chikorita made the difficult decision to leave the Meganium tribe and travel to Tao Village.
Unfortunately, a powerful snowstorm came way sooner than they expected. Lost and alone, they were nearly buried alive, and would have died if it weren't for the rescuing efforts of then-Rescuer leaders Chill the Mincinno and Mike the Charmander. It is said that this incident was the primary reason why Amy decided to learn Flamethrower upon arriving at Tao Village. After much deliberation, Amy and Chikorita eventually decided that the safest of the three guilds to join would be the Merchants' Guild, and thus, they became Merchant Team Pecha. They still live in Tao Village and work for the Merchants' Guild today.
P.S.: Oh yeah, and Darren is some random Golurk from the Icy Cavern that Kyurem awakened for the purpose of apologizing to Team Pecha. Amy didn't like the guy at first, but after helping her and Chikorita out a LOT in rebuilding the village, she eventually agreed that it was okay for him to join the team.

(Only Darren knows Amy's origins this far back. In fact, thanks to the incident that made her a Jigglypuff in the first place, even she doesn't remember this far back…yet.)
In reality, Amy used to be a human…from Planet Earth 500 years in the future. Her parents' names were also Roy and Jean, but instead of a Clefable and a Wigglytuff, they were humans, and not just any ordinary humans. They were mad scientists who wanted to experiment with the fabric of time, which was forbidden in the society of the future due to the obvious negative implications and consequences for doing so. They succeeded in bestowing themselves and their extremely young daughter with an ability which became known as the Dimensional Scream.
Their work was discovered, however, and they (along with their daughter and several of their co-workers) were exiled to a faraway planet as punishment. A planet where the sun never rose nor set, where the wind never blew…a Planet Portania in which time had stopped moving for 500 years.
It was there where little Amy met Grovyle when he was still a Treecko. Undaunted, however, her parents and their coworkers continued with their research, searching for a way to change history so that they would never have been exiled to this planet in the first place. However, Primal Dialga noticed their efforts and sent Dusknoir and his Sableye lackeys to drag them all to the stockade for execution.
They were all executed, and Amy would have been, too, if it weren't for the Treecko that burst in at the last minute. He evolved into Grovyle and snatched a traumatized Amy away in the nick of time. Almost immediately afterward, Amy's Dimensional Scream condition activated, giving her a vision of what became known as Time Gears; the keys that would make it possible to prevent this dark future from ever happening.
Amy and Grovyle were recruited by the Planetary Investigation Team and were tasked with the mission to find the locations of all the Time Gears. Once they did that, they would then go into the past to collect the Time Gears and take them to Temporal Tower, preventing its collapse and changing history. Of course, if that were to happen, then it would be as if they were never born. They would all disappear as a result. But considering how neither Amy nor Grovyle had anything to lose, nor anything to go back to, they accepted their fate without a second's hesitation.
The journey to find the locations of the Time Gears was extremely difficult, and they were captured and nearly executed several times, but Amy and Grovyle pulled through. At last, they made it to Celebi's Gate of Time, which only had enough power for it to be used twice. But as they travelled to the past, a shadowy figure known as Darkrai attacked them, and his attack split Amy away from Grovyle. It caused her to turn into a Jigglypuff, and also erased all her memories of everything that happened up to this point.
(Only Chikorita, Darren, Rigley, and Amy herself knows of Amy's origin story from here on out.)
Amy woke up on the beach next to Treasure Town, with no memories except her name and a nagging feeling that she used to be something called a "human"…whatever that was. Luckily, Chikorita was the one who found her, and together, they beat some bullies who were harassing Chikorita. They then formed an Exploration Team at Wigglytuff's guild, as Team Pecha, based on the berries that Amy discovered that she liked so much.
Their adventures parallel the PMD: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky games almost to the letter, as they discover a plot to steal the time gears, try and stop Grovyle, meet Dusknoir, get betrayed, get dragged to the dark future, learn the truth, go back, convince everyone of the truth, go to the Hidden Land, get ambushed by Dusknoir, lose Grovyle, save the world, and Amy, too, disappears into the vast recesses of time. Luckily, because of her and Chikorita's deep and mutual friendship, Dialga brought her back. They then graduate from the guild, discover Darkrai's evil plot, learn why Amy was turned into a Jigglypuff, and stop him once and for all. Unfortunately, since the Gate of Time had already been used twice, Grovyle could never go back to the past to be with Amy and Chikorita.
(Only Amy, Chikorita, Darren, Ligray, Rigley, Bisharp, and Ralts know Amy's origin story from here on out.)
They probably would have lived in Treasure Town for the rest of their lives if it weren't for a certain catastrophic event. The night before, Kyurem from Tao World appeared in their dreams to warn them of an approaching meteor, and sure enough, it came. Everyone at the Wigglytuff guild was confident that Amy and Chikorita could save them all, though. Unfortunately, they destroyed it too late, and the entire village was smashed. No one was anywhere to be found.
They had no choice but to search for another town to live in, but winter came early, and powerful snowstorms obscured their vision and any hope of them finding any new place to live. Without knowing it, they ended up crossing a patch of frozen ocean water into a completely new continent. They walked for weeks until finally, the cold made them faint. If it weren't for the rescuing efforts of then-Rescuer leaders Chill the Mincinno and Mike the Charmander, they would have died right there. It is said that this incident was the primary reason why Amy decided to learn Flamethrower upon arriving at Tao Village.
(Everyone else knows of Amy's origin story from here on out.)
With no way to get back to Treasure Town, nor the knowledge of how to do so, Amy and Chikorita decided to stay in Tao Village. After much deliberation, they decided that they've had enough unnecessary danger for a lifetime, and chose to join the Merchants' Guild. They decided to also keep their old team name of "Team Pecha" since that was solid and catchy enough from before.
The horror of her and Chikorita's failure to save their town when they had saved the world twice had left its indelible mark on Amy's confidence, and as it turned out, it was only a facade so she could rise to the occasion and "do the impossible", being strong for Chikorita. It was revealed that her true personality was one of a frightened, innocent child, and she resolved to never do another mission that put her and Chikorita in unnecessary danger again. And for a while, she succeeded by doing simple, safe task missions...but when she did a little too well of them, Shroomsworth and PK ended up forcing her and Chikorita into incredibly dangerous missions.
The last straw nearly came when she helped to awaken Sorbet the Kyurem, a Legendary Pokemon that had warned her in her dreams about the meteor that had destroyed Tao Village, bringing up bad memories. To make matters worse, she nearly fell into despair when the townspeople started blaming her for the bad weather, but was saved when PK took full responsibility and promised to never force her into doing dangerous missions against her will again. Upon learning that Sorbet was a much kinder, gentler ice dragon than what she was led to believe, Amy became fast friends with him, preferring to call him "Kyurem" instead of "Sorbet" out of respect. In fact, she had become so attached to him that she was willing to go on a few dangerous missions or two, if only for his sake.
The night after Kyurem's birthday party, Amy wound up on a dangerous rescue mission along with Rigley and Chikorita to save their friend Ligray, and went to Planet Paion for the first time. They uncovered a treacherous plot by O-Bem and O-Beema, and she and Chikorita ended up being the only ones who could stop them from turning the planet's migration fleet into an invasion fleet that could go into an all-out war with Tao World. They succeeded, and it is said that the incident was the third time she and Chikorita had saved the world.
Amy was crushed and felt betrayed the night when Kyurem went nuts and attacked Tao Village, chomping on and nearly eating her in the process. It was revealed that it was an illusion from an evil source that caused Kyurem to become crazy, and she became very, very sad when he was forced to turn back into the Gray Stone from which he was awakened.
But it wasn't all for naught. As an apology for everything Kyurem put Amy through, he revived an odd Golurk, who asked to join their team despite all of Amy's attempts to rebuff him in grief and anger. Upon seeing a beautiful sunrise, however, his memories came back. He revealed to them that he was Amy's old friend Grovyle, and told them the story on how he became this way. They agreed to let him join the team and renamed him Darren, a name he apparently would have chosen for himself had he been a human, since he was no longer a Grovyle anymore.
Amy, Chikorita, and Darren have recently accepted a job that will take them to Planet Paion, where they will live and work for the rest of their lives.

Amy has managed to strike a perfect balance of playfulness and seriousness. Well, not quite; she's serious most of the time, but at least she can relax and play around when there's nothing better to do. She's an extremely hard worker who, once she sets her mind to something, will get it done no matter what. Unfortunately, she's so diligent at this that she becomes very frustrated with people who can't do this, and knows to not work with them again. Speaking of frustrations, she doesn't take jokes too well, either, leaving her with rather few friends. But in exchange, she is very, very loyal to the few she does befriend, and would do anything to make sure they're safe. There are a lot of things in the world that make her freak out, but if a best friend's life (such as Chikorita's) is in danger, she'll be ready to face her fears in order to save them. She's very good at keeping secrets, too.
It is said that the reason that she works so hard at whatever she does and desires to be the best is not just because she relishes the feeling of success, but because she's scared about what other people will think of her, especially if she fails. To make matters worse, she's also worried about people hating her if she succeeds too much, too. Thanks to Rigley's influence, however, the whole anxiety over what other people think of her has diminished lately, and will likely continue to diminish in the future.
Likely as a result of the muscle memory that remains from her completely forgotten yet still tragic past, she's extremely sensitive to pain of all sorts, regardless of whether they're physical or emotional, and as such, prefers to avoid direct conflict if at all possible. Luckily for her, attacks easily rebound off her body, and as such, she has no visible scars, nor has she ever had a broken bone. Mental wounds are a little more difficult to deal with, but because of everything she's been through so far, she's getting better and better at bouncing back from such setbacks. Stuff that would have emotionally scarred her back then is much less likely to affect her now. She even has recently displayed an ability to temporarily set up emotional shields should the situation call for such a thing.
She is also very, very innocent. Various innuendos that people say to each other around town fly right over her head. In addition, though she knows of the concept of romance, she thinks it's just when someone likes someone else of the opposite gender a whole lot. It also explains why moms and dads get married, too, but that's something only grownups have to worry about. Rigley's recent confession, however, has challenged these established beliefs, and she's currently in deep thought and worry about how all this stuff could possibly happen to her.
In terms of fashion, she's more or less…a dunce. Not quite to the extent of Rigley, as she prefers wearing a great big red bow on her back, but she's light-years away from the fashion sensibilities of such people as Gnasher the Banette or Psyme the Beheeyem.
Also, possibly as a side effect of her wish to have a stable, peaceful life, she feels perfectly comfortable as a Jigglypuff and has no plans on evolving any further.

She wants more than anything else to live in peace, to have fun with her friends, to not get killed horribly and painfully, to not have everyone hate her and chase her out of town, to open a bookstore with Chikorita in the future, to make Miss PK proud of her, to become good friends with the Elgyems and Beheeyems of Planet Paion, to learn how to drive a spaceship so she can explore other planets, and maybe, just maybe, live on one of them, like, say, Planet Paion.