Minicoid ParadiseGalactic-Rainbow on DeviantArt

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Minicoid Paradise


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Character  Nefertima OspheCharacter  MinicoidCharacter  MarcroidLocation  Forests around Asgard/Luin/Hima


TLDR: I like Minicoids. :3 Also Tales of Symphonia and Fluffy Paradise~.

Long version:

When most people here look at my original character Pluffy, they would probably think, "Oh yeah, she's based off of Jigglypuff/Kirby". But what if I told you that the reason she looks like a mushroom was because she was also inspired by a monster from Tales of Symphonia? More specifically...the Minicoid?

I first found out about Tales of Symphonia when I watched my brother play it back in 2004, and aside from the wonderfully written story and characters, the one aspect that stood out to me was this particular monster. It looked so cute, it was almost as if it was a Pokemon that got lost and wandered into this Tales game by accident. So when I was coming up with Pluffy's initial design, I figured since there was really no way to improve upon the perfection that was Jigglypuff's design, why not incorporate the Minicoid instead?

...As the years went on, however, I forgot about the Minicoid until just this year, when I realized that Tales of Symphonia now had a port on the Nintendo Switch. So I, uh...might have bought the game solely for the purpose of taking as many screenshots of these cute, adorable monsters as I could so I could sit down and truly study them in-depth with my 20+ years of drawing experience behind me. And I might have updated Pluffy's design so that her mushroom hat now looks more like an actual mushroom. XD

As for the girl in the center of the picture? That is Nefertima Osphe, the main heroine of a recent isekai anime called Fluffy Paradise. I ended up liking it mostly for her character design, as though the plot has interesting ideas (and I like it conceptually as a female-oriented power fantasy), you could better summarize it in a single adorable image like I've depicted here. 

So since Neema has the power to be loved by any and all nonhuman creatures, I figured, why not showcase my appreciation for the cuteness of Minicoids (as well as a couple Marcroids in the back) by having her surrounded by an entire paradise of them?

Enjoy the picture! And while I continue to work on Children of Astra by myself, I'll post whatever random fanarts I feel like drawing here along the way.
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Hexidextrous's avatar

Another fan of Fluffy Paradise! I love that anime. It’s so adorable and wholesome and full of cuddles and headpats!

You did great on this. I bet Neema would easily get along with them.