March Task - Look Like Fine Art!Galactic-Rainbow on DeviantArt

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March Task - Look Like Fine Art!



"Hello, yes! I need some models for the hedges in the garden. I'm tired of cutting dragon-and-grass-Pokemon-shaped bushes. I need some new...inspiration. Please. Make it interesting or I will make you suffer. Thanks,

And with that, I have completed the "pose so Bud can create a new bush out of you in the courtyard" task of the March Tasks! +1 point.

:bulletpink::bulletpink::bulletpink: Featuring Amy the Jigglypuff and Darren the Golurk of Merchant Team Pecha. :bulletblue::bulletblue::bulletblue:

Finally completed all the tasks I wanted to complete this month! Not since Mission 1 and Event 1 have I been able to get away with a single image for objectives, which feels awesome. Now that Team Pecha has three task points, I was thinking about getting Amy an artifact, but I can't decide between the Milk Bottle (which gives Milk Drink) or waiting until they release an artifact that gives her something really useful, like Fly. Oh well, I have a whole month to decide.

And for those who are also doing this task, pay close attention to Bud's colors. He has a...rather unusual color scheme, for a Roselia. Oh, and Darren's legs are currently tucked in. Apparently, he can do that even if his rockets aren't activated.

:bulletblue: Bud the Roselia is an NPC belonging to #PMD-Explorers
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1943x1843px 245.25 KB
© 2013 - 2025 Galactic-Rainbow
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DynamicHeather's avatar
DO A BARREL ROLL! :presses Z twice on a random controller thing: