March Task - Just Keep Moving, PeopleGalactic-Rainbow on DeviantArt

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March Task - Just Keep Moving, People



"URGENT! Order for Mr. Shroomsworth! We can't deliver it because we can't pay the toll! Can't someone help us? Bring enough money, please! or BAD things will happen - to you AND to us!
— Trying to make an honest living"

And with that, I have completed the "escort Sapling Village merchants through Castle Draclugia" task of the March Tasks, and Amy has picked out the dark red Chic Bow Set as an optional accessory for herself! +1 point.

:bulletpink::bulletpink::bulletpink: Featuring Amy the Jigglypuff and Darren the Golurk of Merchant Team Pecha. :bulletblue::bulletblue::bulletblue:

The full version of what Darren's saying is, "My dear madam, please consider the cost-benefit analysis I am about to propose to you. First of all, take into consideration the total number of citizens in both Tao Village and Sapling Village, which is approximately 15,000 people, give or take 500 or so. Then, we take your toll for safe passage through your esteemed castle, which is 100,000 moneys per group, and if we consider how many groups require safe passageways through Creeping Forest per year, you would then earn approximately 1,500,000 moneys per year. HOWEVER, considering how you specifically once mentioned that not even your master, Lady Merlot, said that you required treasure or any sort of monetary compensation in order to maintain the daily operations of this institution, what with especially you personally flying out to gather ingredients for meals and extraneous luxuries, in the end, your total monetary needs may actually be much closer to...say...1,000 moneys per year. Therefore, I propose that you shall either lower the toll to a much more reasonable amount, for example, say, 500 monies per group, or a better suggestion, considering how you already have passed the 1,000 money threshold for this year, completely waive the fee for this particular group, especially since this delivery is time-sensitive and under special conditions for payment. Well, madam? What do you think?"

...Yeah. By the time he'd be through with that speech, even if Udon didn't agree with him in the end, at least Amy would be long gone with the group. This is why Darren is such an awesome teammate for her. :XD: I should probably try to make the colored lines bigger for the next couple of pictures. Oh well! That's what experimentation is for.

And apparently, I love drawing random Bellsprouts. What do you know?

:bulletblue: Udon the Dragonite is an NPC belonging to #PMD-Explorers
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GoldLeader27's avatar

Darren:  Okay, I got this, simple explanation.  Udon: 'Slow down, and what on Earth are you talking about?!'


Amy's expression is hilarious, but the Bellsprouts!  XD  This has to be one of the funniest pictures I've ever seen!  Great work, Amy!