March Task - Hey Look, No Fingers!Galactic-Rainbow on DeviantArt

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March Task - Hey Look, No Fingers!



"Ugh. I have gotten sick. See to it that Amanda—the Snivy, you know—cooks and prepares dishes to the exact specifications I have provided. She often cuts corners, but I cannot even reprimand her if I will not allow myself near the kitchen! Alas...

And with that, I have completed the "get Amanda to cook Soba's recipes properly" task of the March Tasks! +1 point.

:bulletpink::bulletpink::bulletpink: Featuring Amy the Jigglypuff and Darren the Golurk of Merchant Team Pecha. :bulletblue::bulletblue::bulletblue:

Just one more task to go before I complete all the tasks I want for Team Pecha to do this month! It'll also be the one I originally saw them doing, but because it took me this long to think of what cool pose they'll do for it, well, there you go. And yeah...Amy, it's a good idea if you keep your arm away from Amanda's like that. Take it from me...

:bulletblue: Amanda the Snivy is an NPC belonging to #PMD-Explorers
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That's how.