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This tier contains picture stories of Chistina Carter who finds herself in all sorts of trouble. Ms Carter is usually in the company of a female friend and is roughed up by gangs of villains.
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It was so hard to believe, and yet here it was, right in front of him.
A scene that, all his life, he had known to have been a gray, barren wasteland…a scene that he never knew if he and his friends would ever be able to witness. The immense and staggering changes were to be expected, but he never knew he would ever be able to witness it for himself. For when he—well, his friends, to be accurate—placed the Time Gears in the altar so crucial to stopping the collapse of Temporal Tower (no one except for the Legendaries really knew the mechanisms of how this was possible), he changed history. But since he and his friends were originally from the dark future, he knew they were supposed to disappear forever, as if they never existed, in order to make way for the new, brighter future that was to take its place.
Apparently, though, that did not happen. He, Celebi, Dusknoir, the Sableye, and everyone else from the old future remained, right where they were, here to see the beautiful sunrise illuminate the icy mountain range. They were here to see the beautiful bright glow of the bright blue land. The light reflected so harshly off the ice to be nearly blinding, but they continued staring regardless. Staring in awe at the wonder that they accomplished, and yet at the same time, in incredulity at the fact that they were still alive.
According to Dialga, a being higher than himself was responsible for causing this miracle to occur. In the weeks that followed in which he explored the newly-restored land, Grovyle later found out that this being was most likely the great Lord Arceus, one who was rarely ever seen. The most powerful being in the world. There was even a whole church dedicated to his word, run by the high pope, a Ho-oh named Prosphora.
This was the feeling that permeated Grovyle’s mind for the most part during the days, weeks, months, and even years in which he, Celebi, Dusknoir, and many others explored the new land. This was the future that he had fought so hard for. Well, not just him, exactly. His best friend, a human-turned-Jigglypuff named Amy, and the new friend she met when she went to the past, Chikorita. Yes, together, it was the three of them that helped bring hope back to the future.
Sure, there were many questions that Grovyle asked in wondering how certain guilds, establishments, and even landmasses came to be in this bright new future. Sure, he took great delight in hearing such answers from the new residents of the future. However, it wasn’t until much later that Grovyle even thought to ask the most important question of all.
In the new and improved Treasure Town, he had been browsing through the library when he finally thought to check out whatever books might have been written about them…and found next to nothing. All he could find was a tattered page of a tiny book whose text looked like it had been hastily scribbled in by someone who really couldn’t care less. He stood there, with the book in his claws, trying to contain his growing horror about the implications of what this tattered, forgotten book meant.
“Wha…What happened to Amy? And Chikorita?”
There was nothing in the book that explained the answer to that question. Anywhere.
What kind of future WAS this?
He just couldn’t believe it. This was a future in which volumes upon volumes of books were written about the events he himself knew all too well. Information on various subjects, from in-depth analysis of Pokémon biology to the inner workings of the planet itself to other such psychological topics as how relationships work…they were all easily available, visible, and ready to be read at a moment’s notice. In this future.
But for the book to suddenly stop at the fact that Amy and Chikorita stopped Darkrai’s evil plot? There had to be more that they did! They were Team Pecha! Okay, so the name didn’t exactly scream “greatness”, but they were an Exploration Team. There was supposed to be some records of whatever else they gone on to do. If they died early, the book should have mentioned that, too.
Instead…nothing. Except for a tiny little footnote at the end of the last page.
It is said that that after the catastrophic meteor strike that hit Treasure Town, Team Pecha wandered away to a place known as Tao Village in another region called Tao World. As this is all rumor, more research is necessary.
Catastrophic meteor strike…?
Tao Village…?
Grovyle quickly slammed the Team Pecha book back in the bookshelf and ran to find a book that explained more about this unusual meteor strike. He flipped through the book and read that shortly after the Darkrai incident, a large meteor with icy properties had somehow come through the atmosphere and smashed Treasure Town to the ground. The residents were all scattered about, but they survived, and they eventually rebuilt the town. That was why it was still here, after all.
But for whatever reason, Team Pecha was the only one to not come back. And…Tao World…?
All he could find out about the subject was that it was another continent far from the mainland, but one could travel there by sea. There was also a map of the continent, marked with a very conspicuous start at a place called Tao Village. There were also books on the history on various events in that region, but nothing for any teams that might have been living in any of those towns.
He decided. He would travel to this Tao Village and see if he could find the answers out for himself.
He quickly ran back to his house and slung a small brown sack tied with black string around his shoulder, inside of which carried hopefully enough food for the trip. Then he donned an old light brown cloak; a gift from a grateful citizen that turned out to be a memento that remained from the dark future. The only reminder he had of where Amy possibly came from.
This was his new mission, and he wouldn’t rest until he found all the answers.
This is a story that explains what happened to Grovyle that led to him becoming Darren the Golurk of Team Pecha today. Darren himself is telling this story to Amy and Chikorita between Pages 35 and 36 of Team Pecha's Mission 6:

Part 1 of 14. I had already finished this story even before Event 6 came out, and at first, I thought I could wait until I got home so I could draw and color all the pictures...but I couldn't wait after all.

Originally, I was going to give Grovyle only the brown Treasure Bag that he has in the anime. But after thinking about how he and Rokusho from the TV show Medabots seem so similar in personality, I decided to give him an old light brown cloak, too. Of course he'll have to remove it while in battle, as it'll get in the way.
I know that I've been submitting a lot of prose stories lately, but this is one story that I firmly believe is actually enhanced by the prose as opposed to a comic. It helps to convey Grovyle's state of mind extremely clearly, and by the way that I've typed it, gives off a certain mood that I feel would be much harder to pull off in a comic. So enjoy!
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holy omega by the star... this is the laws of breaking the space and time your making here... so wait does that mean the Amy is still a human and yet they don't know about her secret?! oh boy this is like one of those harry potter show all over again...
cool story ^^
cool story ^^