Event 7: Chikorita's LetterGalactic-Rainbow on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/galactic-rainbow/art/Event-7-Chikorita-s-Letter-343374212Galactic-Rainbow

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Event 7: Chikorita's Letter



And with this, I have completed the present side and the past side of #PMD-Explorers' Event 7 for Team Pecha!

lol, not in the mood to do another amazing super-awesome long comic storyline that tangentally sticks to the prompt, because I'm that excited to get back to the Rallen and Jody comic! However, I'm still up for a collab or so, in case someone has a good idea for a storyline (like how, yes, ~CrimsonAngelofShadow and I are planning another prose collab for this event). This letter is a good way to summarize the events of Chikorita's ??? Mission 7 (Past) entry, for those who still haven't read it yet. Here, Chai is gazing in amazement and awe at the thing that Chikorita calls "writing a letter". Doesn't he look so precious~?

Anyway, I'm also playing around with a new style! How's it look?

:bulletblack: Sherri the Cherrim is an NPC belonging to #PMD-Explorers.
:bulletblack: Chai the Servine (Personal NPC by me)
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TDArulesclub4's avatar
So.... Chikorita's gone?