Event 6: Roots - Part 1Galactic-Rainbow on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/galactic-rainbow/art/Event-6-Roots-Part-1-315167818Galactic-Rainbow

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Event 6: Roots - Part 1



:star: Part 1: A Total Spazz :star:

It was finally done.

After two or three good months of nothing but calculating damages, clearing up debris, and helping the Champ Construction Company build new houses, the efforts of Team Pecha and lots of other Merchant teams had finally paid off. Having just flown down from Rigley’s floating spaceship a mere few seconds ago, Amy, Chikorita, and Darren took in the sight of the newly-rebuilt Tao Village. New shops were built, old ones were made better than ever, and all in all, it was 200% better than it was before. (Admittedly, the sudden appearance of a bookstore initially disappointed them, as they had been counting on making a bookstore of their own someday. But Chikorita became relieved when Amy remembered that they could always start their bookstore somewhere else, like, say…another planet.)

But the one thing that stood out to Amy and Chikorita more than ever was the newly-made river that looped around the village’s center. They hadn’t seen a body of water this shallow or fun to play in since…a very long time. It brought back memories of times before they came here to Tao Village in the first place. Not that Tao Village wasn’t fun; it’s just that it wasn’t the same kind of fun that they used to have. But now…now that it was here…

“YAAAAAAAY!” they shouted, dashing full speed ahead to the river, completely ignoring the bridges that had been erected for those who preferred to not walk through it.

Darren the Golurk just stood there, content to observe over them and maintain their safety. As he was now half Ground-type, he calculated that he would not be able to go in the water without compromising the integrity of his bodily structure, at least to some degree. Yet he felt no reason to stop them since he detected no immediate threats around them.

At least, not until they were about to hit the water.

“CANNONBALL!” they shouted. Even though Amy had forgotten Defense Curl in favor of Protect some time ago, that didn’t stop her from trying to become a literal cannonball.

Darren detected a shift in the temporal fabric right where they were about to land, and from out it it appeared a floating green Pokémon with an onion-shaped head. For a second, his eyes turned green as he recognized the Pokémon’s shape. Amy and Chikorita had a split second to think ‘Celebi!?’ before shouting, “AAAAAAAH LOOK OUT LOOK OUT LOOK OUT LOOK OUT LOOK OUT—!”


“Oh—oh dear! I apologize—I really do—”

The good news was, the Celebi-like creature teleported out of the way just in time. The bad news was that Amy and Chikorita ended up bellyflopping into the water.



Amy squinted at the odd creature. “You kind of look like Celebi…but you’re green instead of pink…and you’re wearing some sort of flower…”

She and Chikorita had, thankfully, quickly recovered from the impact of the belly flop, and had already climbed out of the river, shaking the water off of themselves.

The odd floating fairy creature giggled. “Well, you’re half-right! I’m a Celebi, but my name’s Jasmine. I, uh…I, uh…what was I supposed to do again?”

Before any of them could say anything, Jasmine figured it out. “Oh, right! There’s, uh—there’s a ton of plants you can help plant the village with! That Arianna lady called me here to tell you all to do that!”

“What? Miss Arianna?” gasped Chikorita.

“Wait, did she use the Thistle Whistle?” asked Amy.

“Why yes she did!” Jasmine winked. “For a second, I thought she was the original keeper of it, but nope, she’s her descendant! I tell you, the resemblance is uncanny…” She proceeded to mutter something inaudible.

Darren finally spoke up. “You are requesting us to help revitalize the decaying autotrophic organisms surrounding the village…by planting new ones? Where are these seeds located, anyway?”

“Oh, they’re in places like the Ranch, those tunnels underneath that law firm of Devonshire’s, and even in that new lighthouse. Ask around! There’s a ton of stuff to plant.”

“Can we plant Pecha Berries, too?” asked Amy, eyeing Jasmine with hope.

“Sure, sure! You can even plant a whole ring of them around the village, I don’t care! All that matters is that you arrange them in a way that makes them all look nice when everyone’s done planting, ‘cause then, I’ll snap my fingers like so, and BAM! Instant spring! Bet you’ll be looking forward to that, especially you, Green!”

“Green? Who’s—” It took Chikorita a second to realize that Jasmine was referring to her. “Oh yeah, yeah! It’s so warm already! Maaaan, I can’t WAIT until everything starts blooming—whoa, wait a second. You can do that? Just like THAT?”

“Well, duh, what do you take me for?”

Darren promptly scanned Jasmine and replied, “Judging by how immense your power level is in proportion to your relative mass, you are officially categorized as a Legendary Pokémon.”

“EX-actly!” She folded her arms and smiled proudly. “Nice to see that Blue here knows his stuff.”

“So does that mean I’m Pink?” asked Amy. “I mean—you just want us to do this?”

“Goodness, no!” replied Jasmine. “Even with Blue here, the three of you alone would take way too long. EVERYONE in the village is allowed to help! EVERYONE! Tell your friends! Tell your families! Tell everyone you possibly know! The sooner we get these things planted, the sooner we can all PARTY! WOO! Hey, what am I saying? I can just fast-forward time! Ahahahahaahaha!”

She twirled and danced several times in the air, flying around Team Pecha the whole time. “Oh, and Pink? I know of your shiny Celebi friend. Jeez, that girl’s a total spazz. Always going, ‘Grovyle this’ and ‘Grovyle that’, ‘Gate of Time’ this and ‘Gate of Time’ that. But anyway, yeah!” She twirled one more time before flying away. “PARTYYYY—”

Her voice quickly faded into nothingness as she disappeared in midair, no doubt to travel somewhere else in time and space. Amy and Chikorita just sat there, staring goggle-eyes at the spot where she disappeared, and even Darren appeared to freeze in place, dumbfounded.

“Not Celebi,” concluded Chikorita.

“SO not Celebi,” agreed Amy.

Even Darren’s eyes turned green for this second, and his speech pattern temporarily reverted back to the one he had as a Grovyle. “I’m actually relieved that she’s not Celebi.”



I'm participating in #PMD-Explorers' Event 6: Temporal Terraforming with all three of my teams:

:bulletpink::bulletpink::bulletpink: Team Pecha, the Merchants :bulletpink::bulletpink::bulletpink:
:bulletgreen::bulletgreen::bulletgreen: Team Elgyem, the Lone Rescuer :bulletgreen::bulletgreen::bulletgreen: and
:bulletpurple::bulletpurple::bulletpurple: Team Nighty Knights, the Rogues :bulletpurple::bulletpurple::bulletpurple:

Part 1 of 10. Yup, I'm actually going to do Event 6 even though I have no access to my tablet at the moment! I might update this with color later when I do, unless I'm too busy. I'll see. Anyway, this is the very first Event in which I actually have a very compelling reason to use all three of my teams: Since the objective for this event is so ridiculously simple, I've decided to use this as another opportunity to move forward with character development plans I've had for them all! What you can look forward to consists of, but is not limited to...

:bulletpink::bulletpink::bulletpink: Chikorita finally meeting her real parents and being forced to make a very important choice. :bulletpink::bulletpink::bulletpink:
:bulletgreen::bulletgreen::bulletgreen: Rigley deciding that it might be cool to pick out a girlfriend for himself, and trying to deal with the consequences of that. :bulletgreen::bulletgreen::bulletgreen:
:bulletpurple::bulletpurple::bulletpurple: Ralts finally playing some sort of semi-important role, as well as the logical continuation of Bisharp's total failure at romance. :bulletpurple::bulletpurple::bulletpurple:

And yes, they all tie into each other in some way or another, which is why they're all into the same story. This is also the second time since Mission and Event 1 in which I couldn't actually think of a title for this piece of prose as a whole. Never mind, I figured that "Roots" would be perfect as a title because not only are you going to meet a ton of families in this entry, but there is also the beginning of a certain romance, Chikorita's decision on what her pen name would be, and when a certain set of parents tell their epic origin story.

I had SO much fun writing Jasmine's dialogue here. :)

:bulletblue: Jasmine the Celebi is an NPC belonging to #PMD-Explorers.
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little-shining-fox's avatar
There was only one thing that bugged me with this one..........................................why didn't Darren catch onto what was going on?.....he KNEW a Celebi and what her powers are.