Event 6.2: What the Ring...?Galactic-Rainbow on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/galactic-rainbow/art/Event-6-2-What-the-Ring-323543814Galactic-Rainbow

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Event 6.2: What the Ring...?



With this ONE-SHOT comic, I have successfully participated in #PMD-Explorers' Event 6.2: Temporal Terror-Forming with all three of my teams:

:bulletpink::bulletpink::bulletpink: Team Pecha, the Merchants :bulletpink::bulletpink::bulletpink:
:bulletgreen::bulletgreen::bulletgreen: Team Paion, the Rescuers :bulletgreen::bulletgreen::bulletgreen: and
:bulletpurple::bulletpurple::bulletpurple: Team Nighty Knights, the Rogues :bulletpurple::bulletpurple::bulletpurple:

Darren the Golurk, Psyme the Beheeyem, and Lipless the Gothita are staying behind because they can't hide in bushes, are too flashy, and make too much noise, respectively.

I mean, seriously. You can't expect me to think about AND create a super-long and thrilling comic in just two weeks. Okay, maybe you can, but that would really be cutting it close for my standards. I was really looking forward to saving my big ideas for what Mission 7 would be, and plus, I'd much rather get started on Rallen and Jody's epic...But first, I'll finalize the script (there are a lot of cool scenes that I need to add in and replace to make the story better), and I'll create icons for my gallery folders (finally!) in the meantime.

[Note that everyone in this comic is WHISPERING. That's why the borders of the word balloons are gray instead of black.]

I really feel bad for Rigley at this point, since apparently, his mom doesn't even need to be there and he can still get embarrassed like that. It's pretty clear that at this rate, he prefers pink to purple. (Pink as in Amy and Chikorita, and purple as in his mom, PK, Lipless, his sister's new accessory upgrade...) Such a statement PK might sound really bold, especially since Rigley's just a kid, but I figured that the sudden appearance of the engagement ring on her tail would explain everything. Basically, for this event, I felt that the beginning and middle (where they leave Darren, Psyme, and Lipless behind and go through the forest) was so boring that they could all be skipped, and it was only at the end that anything interesting happened.

And you finally get to see Ralts put her emotion-sensing capabilities to some use. She actually has been doing so since when she first joined the team; it's just that I hardly ever have been able to think about ways it may be interesting until recently.

:bulletblue::bulletblue::bulletblue: Shade the Zoroark, Jasmine the Celebi, Charcoal the Zorua, and PK the Kecleon are NPCs belonging to #PMD-Explorers. :bulletblue::bulletblue::bulletblue:
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Aurablaze1591's avatar
When the comic says "to be continued in mission 7 does that mean it's going to be in comic format or......