Amy the...Scream Tail??Galactic-Rainbow on DeviantArt

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Amy the...Scream Tail??



So I was going to pass up on Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, just like I did with Sword and Shield earlier. Ultra Sun and Let's Go Eevee were the last main series Pokémon game I planned to get for a while after being burned three times in a row. Whether it be version exclusive clothing, or barely any story changes except for the last quarter of the game that arguably made it worse, or (in the case of Let's Go Eevee), just...being so bored I couldn't even complete the main story, I figured that it was about time to move on from main series Pokémon for good.

And then I found out about this majestic creature in the leaks two weeks away from Pokémon Scarlet's release.

A Jigglypuff with a 300 point increase in base stat totals that was considered fully evolved?? This was everything I could have ever wanted and then some! Finally, a Jigglypuff I could actually use in a main series game without all the suffering that comes from its regular stat spread! ...Of course, I couldn't actually catch it until I was already near the end of the game, hence how its very existence could be considered a spoiler, but still! I've been having so much fun in the endgame with it!

So of course, I had to see how one of my most famous pseudo self-insert OCs would look as a Scream Tail.

It's a good thing I'm no longer interested in joining any art RP groups in the style of PMD-Explorers. I'd have a difficult time deciding whether to make a Jigglypuff or Scream Tail character. Granted, if I had to choose between the two from a design perspective, I'd still slightly prefer regular Jigglypuff since it doesn't have as many details to keep track of. But I personally think she looks way better as a Scream Tail than even a Wigglytuff, and thus, I consider both designs a very close match with each other.

That being said, I probably won't be able to use my Scream Puff (that's what I'm nicknaming mine) in too many future games in the series, so I don't plan to buy most of those games after this either. In its absence, the only things that'll motivate me to do so will be a great character customization feature, completely new and fun gameplay mechanics, or ideally (like in the case of Legends Arceus), both.
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GSBSbros's avatar

Just yesterday I had a shiny Scream Tail and what do I think of its shiny because I think it's great it looks like a vampire I already imagine the Jigglypuff as a vampire Nice Work