GabrielleBrickey on DeviantArt

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GabrielleBrickey's avatar

Charcoal Drawing WIP



Current work in progress :) Willow charcoal on grey paper. 
I'm loosely following this reference here- Feathers of Blue 11

Thanks for looking!
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2048x2048px 405.52 KB
© 2014 - 2024 GabrielleBrickey
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Adonis2k17's avatar
Thank you Gabrielle. 

I had read on fixatives before, but was concerned that it might change the texture. However, a suggestion from an artist of your brilliance is an immense reassurance.

Also, although a tad late, do accept my heartfelt wishes on your marriage. My sincere wishes to both of you for the years to come. Stay blessed. -)

(World is a better place for creations of your kind and it is a pure joy to witness your artwork. We will always be inclined to expect lot more from you all time.)