iPhone - iTouch wallpaper packGabO-GarabO on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/gabo-garabo/art/iPhone-iTouch-wallpaper-pack-84294173GabO-GarabO

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iPhone - iTouch wallpaper pack



EDIT: It's been updated for the iPhone 4 resolution, some new aditions to the pack, and some went away for some reason :P


A collection pack of some of my designs as wallpapers for your iPhone or iPod Touch resized to fit perfectly on screen.

The Pack contains

- Jungla
- San Licenciado
- Twister
- Le Monster
- Ana Banana
- Vector Design Artist
- Campbell's Pop
- Rock & Roll
- Camberos' Vintage
- GARABO wallpaper
- Here it comes
- Somewhere


EDIT: 2 more available wallpapers for free download
here [link] and here [link]

todo o nada (all or nothing)
ahora o nunca (now or never)

hope you like it


EDIT: 2 Descargas mas disponibles para su descarga gratis
AQUI [link] y AQUI [link]

todo o nada
ahora o nunca
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