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Spellbreaker draft 1 cover



When you win NaNoWriMo, CreateSpace gives you a printed proof copy of your book for free. Seriously. This is the cover for the novel that I wrote last year -- Spellbreaker. It's a retelling of the frog prince story that I'd wanted to write since 10th grade.

The cover, like the words inside, is not perfect, but it doesn't have to be. That's the glory of writing a NaNoWriMo and doing personal art. It's intentionally Disney-ish and I played with the textures and brushes to my heart's content. And although I'm finding more and more little mistakes, I still really like how this turned out. :)

Drawn and inked in Paint Tool Sai.
Colored and compiled in Adobe Photoshop CS3.
Textures from cgtextures, brushes from brusheezy, and some of each from my own stock.
The quote is an old proverb that I found and reworded very slightly.
Fonts used: Myriad Pro and Harrington (which is becoming overused but I still love it so!)

This image is a modified version of the actual cover... The version that I actually sent to the printers is here: [link]
Image size
800x590px 173.38 KB
© 2010 - 2024 gabfury
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zvunche's avatar
she kinda looks like me haha