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Iwnhu 16



This is the most satisfying moment of all the end cause i work so much to make this comic, since i was on school trying to come up with my few free time to make it, just to come at this moment is worth every single moment of pain, struggle, sleepless nights is worth every second of all that... if you want to make my day just leave any comment any kind would make my day that all that work i come up for is watched and it make some one his day or that he like it... makes it more worth all the sacrifice that was done.
Cant wait to work with the next one
Image size
3284x5088px 4.61 MB
© 2016 - 2024 GaaraNear
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This comic makes me tear up because I had a dream as a kid that also left me crying. It felt good talking to my mom and letting it out. A job well done